Saturday, December 25, 2021

Doctor Who and Cindy-Lou Who


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  I'd like to take this time to thank each and every visitor to this blog.  Your enthusiasm and encouragement keeps me going and I love reading your comments, thoughts and suggestions.  A special thanks go out to the Patrons, who truly go the extra mile in supporting this ongoing project - we wouldn't be getting close to twelve years if it wasn't for you!  I hope everyone reading this is spending the holiday with the people you love and that the coming year is filled of peace, health and happiness.


Davejonz said...

Hope I'm the first to wish you a very happy Christmas 🌲 and New Year.
And thanks for all your hard - and very creative - work. It's much appreciated.
P.S. The Doctor is now traditional festive viewing on this side of the pond so perfect timing.

Anonymous said...

Is that green bit Horton’s shadow?

Horsefeathers in Red and Green Just must be seen! said...

A happier holiday can not be gotten
No sir Not by nottin
On this day drop your frown
You've delivered a Christmas by the fun filled C. Brown!
I can see Snoopy sitting a top of the Tardis
Yelling Guard Dis you clown!

Carycomic said...

@Horsefeathers: you're a poet and we didn't even know it.

@Anonymous: that's the TARDIS' shadow.

@Ross: Right back at you, Ross! All your previous Christmas Day cover-sims have either been masterfully poignant or cheerful and amusing. Each quality suitable for the holiday. But, this year's presentation...combines them both. And quite effectively!

So, thanks a lot...and Merry Xmas!

Anonymous said...

Cary, I meant the lighter green shadow. As in Horton hears a Who (or in this case, too).

Carycomic said...

@Anonymous: Oh, dear! So embarrassed I am.
But, I suspect Horton had green eggs and ham
For Xmas Eve dinner and this is but the residue.
To which I can only add: "Can you say 'Ewwwww!'? "

Bob Greenwade said...

I'd love to be able to come up with a bit of verse myself, but I'm a bit too groggy at the moment. (I'm also apparently too groggy to see the "green shadow" being discussed.) But I can say that this is a delightful cover for what would surely be a delightful story.

The only thing missing is Kelly Hu. And maybe Roger Daltry.

Merry Christmas, Ross, and thank you for the daily dose of awesomeness that you provide.

And Merry Christmas to all (whether you like it or not)!

det_Tobor said...

Ross, Who, Who, Hurray!! That would be a beautiful 3-D cover and suitable for a real Xmas card as well. Hope 2022 exceeds all your wishes for real happiness, peace, and health. Who knows!

Anonymous said...

@Bob: "Roger Daltrey" (lol)! I just got it. Merry Christmas, dude!

Unknown said...

Whoa! 12 years! Could this mean the Master has teamed up with the Grinch? Making little wind up Daleks and Cybermen probably. Merry Christmas Ross!

Bob Greenwade said...

@Anon@11:14: I do what I can. Merry Christmas right back!

The Irredeemable Shag said...

Absolutely adore this!! Happy holidays and thank you for your tireless efforts with this blog! Your posts bring joy every single day!!

Fishing in the Time Stream said...

While I share all the good wishes, don't forget "the Ghost" of Christmas past when Dr Mysterio came around to save N.Y. from Harmony Shoal and those forced to change their minds when they didn't want to.
If the outside of the TARDIS is just an illusion, why did the light need to be changed?

Anonymous said...

@Fisher: "Only the Shadow knows."

Carycomic said...

@Anon: LOL!

Reg Aubry said...

Happy Holidays, all! Love that we're all part of this group from everywhere that wakes each day eager to see what creative combinations Ross has crafted for us!!

Anonymous said...

I suspect that Cindy-Lou Who is actually a Space Phantom working for the Black Guardian and, therefore, trying to slip the 4th Doctor a time bomb (yes, pun intended) disguised as a Xmas ornament!

BigMike20X6 said...

I admit I'm lost with the 'green shadow' comment.

Carycomic said...

I'm guessing the lighter-colored areas to the left and right of the TARDIS (which actually resemble turquoise, imho).

Carycomic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

In other words, the TARDIS' blue-paint job reflecting off yellow snow?


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