Saturday, March 9, 2019

G.I. Joe and Sgt. Rock

I'm a little surprised that I haven't heard any solid  plans for another G.I. Joe  movie.  There was mention of a G.I. Joe/Transformers crossover flick, which sounds so crazy it just might work, but I don't think that ever got beyond the pitch stage.  They could also go in another direction and present a more grounded reboot.  Whatever is decided, there's still plenty of material to mine in the property.


Carycomic said...

I wouldn't hold my breath, Ross. Look how many AvP crossovers Dark Horse had to publish, prior to Hollywood waking up and smelling the profits!

Whereas, Marvel only did one GI JOE/TRANSFORMERS crossover while they had the licensing rights to both Hasbro properties. And that was circa 30 years ago! IDW is the very first comic publisher, since then, to do at least two.

At that rate, it'll be Stan Lee's centennial birthday before Hasbro's two most-famous brainchildren make it to the silver screen, together.

On a lighter note: is that one of Marvel's Night Nurses being protected by Sgt. Rock?

ShadowWing Tronix said...

There have been a few other crossovers. When Dreamwave had the Transformers license and Devil's Due had GI Joe's, they did two different crossovers. Dreamwave's was set in World War II, with a modern day sequel started but not finished because the company closed.

Devil's Due on the other hand did a really good four miniseries crossover. The first one had Cobra finding the Ark and turning both sides into their vehicles. The second involved time travel, the third introduced a new take on Serpentor, and the last one featured both Cobra-La (a cult worshiping Unicron) and the first GI Joe figure. I highly recommend them for fans of both properties.

Anonymous said...

I liked the IDW crossover. It not only included GI Joe and the Transformers. But, also V.E.N.O.M. and M.A.S.K. Both of which were implied as being offshoots of Cobra Command and GI Joe, respectively.

With each one utilizing reverse-engineered Transformer technology.

Bob Greenwade said...

Unrelated to anything above:

We really need to revisit the Danvers Twins, with Carol's movie now out. And also a "Danvers Twins" tag.

Simreeve said...

Apparently the translated version of Sgt. Rock's adventures sold in one of the Scandinavian countries called him 'Sgt. Flint' instead... so how about a team-up with 1960s' Bond parody 'Our Man Flint'?


Carycomic said...

@Simreeve: And, just for good measure, include the now-public domain Golden Ager called "Fearless Flint" (nee Jack Bradley), too.

Mark R Hunter said...

Hey, I'll watch Sgt. Rock in anything.

Brother Kellymatthew said...

I'd like to see a GI Joe: A Real American Hero Covert Ops Movie that takes place in the early 1980's written By G.I. Joe's Very own Larry Hama. It's Hama Time!! I'd also like to see a Visionaries (also: Hasbro/Marvel/IDW) 4 Picture Saga (on the Planet Prysmos) that picks up after the ill fated Marvel Series. A 5 Picture Rom The Space Knight Mega Epic is also desirable. An action Jackson (MEGO) TV Series & a Fully CGI Stingray Maxi-series Fifty episodes (That's a Lot for the Brits).

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