Sunday, March 3, 2019

Conan and Mr. Spock

In addition to reprising his Terminator role, there are plans for Arnold Schwarzenegger to once again play Conan The Barbarian on the big screen.  I realize there were plenty of King Conan tales featuring an older version of the character, but I don't know that he was ever in his 70's in those stories.  It will be interesting to see what direction will be taken and how much physical combat is involved.


MarchHareSupreme said...

You, sir, are making a mess of the time-stream. And Ah-nold to return as Conan? Can you say "missed that boat ?" Someone else will def have do the part (JASON MOMOA!) and the movie should be based on the story "Red Nails ."

Wildcat said...

Yes, the time-stream is a mess thanks to Tamara.

Who, you ask?

Well, Spock thinks he's in the era of Torin Mac Quillon aka Starslayer (Pacific Comics and First). Instead of his mission to keep Torin "alive," and safe from Tamara's prophetic rescue, Spock gets caught up in a time storm and arrives in the Hyborian age by mistake.

Tamara's prophecy of the Earth's destruction never happens because the starship Enterprise originally saved the day going back into '1980's until Kang the Conqueror ruined it all. Now Spock needs to save Torin from going into the future to keep what the Enterprise did in the '80's intact.

Now we have a story arc. And I'm confused... :)

Jay Johnson said...

As Ross said, there are several King Conan stories, and IIRC, in a couple of them most of the action went to Conan's son, Prince Conn. Momoa would be good in that part. Throw in Dwayne (Rock) Johnson as one of Conan's older bastard sons from his tavern wenching days and you have all the beefcake you'd want. Of course you would start with a Rock vs. Momoa fight in the beginning, with Arnold bitch-slapping the both of them to break it up. For the final fight ) Momoa and Rock would wear the bad guy (Michael B. Jordan?) down so that Arnold can put him away, and maybe die himself so the sequel is all Momoa's.

Count Petofi said...

No, it should be based on “A Witch Shall Be Born”.

Carycomic said...

@Wildcat: Tamara was probably having a retro-cognitive glimpse of what had happened to the Earth in Dreadstar's original universe. It's more likely that Mr. Spock's presence, in the Hyborian Age, is due to his namesake "cousin's" video will mentioning one Zarabeth of Sarpeidon. And how the elder Vulcan always regretted not going back in time, via the Guardian of Forever, to rescue her.

Well, that regret came flooding back in a tsunami-sized way when Elder Spock had a visit from Amanda Grayson's katra, just before his death. A visit in which she told him that Zarabeth had become pregnant with his child! So, Reboot Spock is bequeathed the task of rescuing Zarabeth and her baby.

Unfortunately, he gets diverted to the Hyborian Age by none other than his long-lost (and highly emotional) half-brother, Sybok! The latter wishing to use the Guardian to go back and rescue Yag-Khora. The last of the Cragmoloid Jedi.

Carycomic said...

See "Tower of the Elephant."

Carycomic said...

So, come on, Dark Horse, Disney, and IDW! Start working on that 3-way crossover.

Right now!

Anonymous said...

How about Conan and Xena? When Conan is in an ancient soldier's "dress", he looks a lot like a male Xena!

Bob Greenwade said...

@Wildcat: On which syllable does Tamara's name have the accent? I've heard the name used with the accent on the first by some, on the second by others; if the second, that opens the door for all sorts of time-rerlated puns!

@Jay: I love your sense of casting. It makes me wish you'd read my novels and tell me how you'd cast them.

Brother Kellymatthew said...

Who would you have play his son Conn?

Anonymous said...

@Brother Barnes: How about Benedict Cumberbatch? I can just hear Zachary Quinto's commanding officer yelling (insert echo effect, here):

"Conn! Conn! Conn! Conn!"

Brother Kellymatthew said...

@Anonymous Punny very Punny, however maybe it would work?

Anonymous said...

"Strange-r" things have happened.


Carycomic said...

@Anonymous: "Hugo," dude!

Anonymous said...

@my namesake: By Crom! That was already done (sort of) via the real-world crossover featuring Conan and Wonder Woman. And, I gotta say...those star-spangled hot pants looked better on Diana.


Brother Kellymatthew said...

Who is in Thulsa Dooms reading room?

Brother Kellymatthew said...

Hit the Hyboren Hyper Warp!

Carycomic said...

His great-great-etc.-ad nauseam grandson...Victor Von!

Brother Kellymatthew said...

The Reading Room & Thulsa Doom, common denominator James Earl Jones.

Carycomic said...

Doom-doom-doom-doom! Doom! Doom-doom-doom-DOOM!

This is the city-state of Aquilonia...on a Friday. Ruled by Mark VII.

Carycomic said...

"Dragnet" reference, for those too young to remember the Jack Webb and Harry Morgan version of the series.

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