Friday, March 31, 2017

The Fox and The Crow

I had been hearing about a theatrical return of The Crow for a while, but the rumors seem to have stopped so I don't know if it is still in the planning stages.  I enjoyed the first film, which was ahead of it's time in a lot of ways, and hope that a new project gets underway soon.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Starman and The Human Torch in : "The Brotherhood of Tut!"

Jack Burnley is one of my absolute favorite artists of the Golden Age.  His work on Detective Comics, Adventure Comics, World's Finest and other titles really showcased the heroes of the day in their best light.  He had a strong sense of anatomy and also knew how to capture the spirit of a scene whether it be action packed, noirish or whimsical. His interiors impressed me as much as his amazing covers.

These two first crossed paths in STF #228...

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Snake Eyes Vs. Deathlok

Has Deathlok ever appeared in animated form?  I remember the Spider-Man 90's cartoon had a ton of guest stars and cameos, so maybe he showed up there.  I am not up on all of the recent Marvel/Disney animated shows. maybe he's appeared on one of those as well.  At any rate, it would be cool to see - I'd love an animated version of his team up with Captain America from the 80's.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Roustabouts

For this team, I thought it would be cool to group together heroes with a background in the circus or travelling shows. Yes, I know these guys were all performers and not roustabouts, but I liked the sound of the name so I went with it.  By now I know the drill when I post a new team cover - "Nice, but you should have included captain such and such", and this time, I did it to myself!  as soon as I was done, I realized that Deadman really should have been on the roster.  If I ever revisit this team, I will have to rectify that!

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Dark Knight and Old Man Logan

The new Justice League trailer has been released and it looks like DC is determined to let us know that is will be a less gloomy film than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, with comedic moments being almost exclusively featured - even Batman gets in on the one liners.  It still doesn't really feel like the League to me with no sign of Superman or Green Lantern and the inclusion of Cyborg as a founding member, but that doesn't mean it won't be fun to watch. The big surprise for me was Aquaman's personality, which seems to have borrowed a lot from John DiMaggio's turn as the character on the animated Batman: The Brave and the Bold.  When he was "surfing" the Batmobile at the end, I half expected him to shout "Outrageous!"

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Supergirl and Ms. Marvel in "A Danvers Dies This Day!"

The Danvers Twins are another pairing that I like to revisit from time to time on the blog - this marks their fifth cover together.

They had robot problems in Issue #1414

They were at odds with one another  in Issue #763...

They played a trick on the world in Issue #520...

...and they were first revealed to be sisters way back in Issue #152

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Animal Man Vs. Godzilla

I watched Kong: Skull Island this week and my quick review is that I thought that the monsters were cool (even if the best action scene is the first one which is never matched) and the humans were almost all completely forgettable.  Still, even though I thought that this film and the new Godzilla could have been a lot better, I am really looking forward to them battling in the big screen, it should be a blast.  We'll get a straight up Godzilla sequel before that, which promises some more of the classic monsters.  I am personally hoping for Rodan and Gamera to make appearances.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Spider-Man and Hawk & Dove in "The High Cost of Crime Fighting!"

Batman has probably had the best video games made about him, but there's something I always love about playing as Spider-Man in a game.  His power seem very well suited for the experience.  I even loved the old school games, going back to the first Atari Spider-Man, where he was just a few red and blue blocks climbing a wall or swinging side to side.  Great stuff!

Spidey crossed paths with the first Hawk and Dove team in STF #1379...

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Storm and Dr. Mist

Dr. Mist is another character that I feel DC could do a lot more with.  I was a fan of The Global Guardians, and as their leader I felt that he should have had a higher profile in the DCU. I remember liking that he took such an active role in Primal Force, but when that title went away. so did he for the most part. Still, all it takes is a good writer and an idea and he can return one of these days.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Spider-Girl and Robin

It's kind of sad to see how Tim Drake has been tossed aside in favor of Damian Wayne after all the work that went into developing his character.  After being a very popular Robin for years, having his own title and appearing in other media, now he seems to be a hero without a home.  DC has tried using him as a member of the Teen Titans, Red Robin, even a new Batman Beyond.  I am hoping that he can maintain a lasting role in the DCU going forward.

The Truants first appeared in STF #1220...

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Karate Kid and Zen: Intergalactic Ninja

I remember being puzzled that of all of the Legion of Super-Heroes to get a solo series, Karate Kid was the first one.   At the time I would have preferred maybe Ultra Boy or Chameleon Lad.  Looking back, I realize that DC was trying to get in on the kung fu/karate craze so it makes more sense to me now.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Captain Marvel, Jr. and The Human Torch

Off-Topic from the above cover - I was saddened to read of the passing of legendary artist Bernie Wrightson.  Like many, I was introduce to his moody artwork in the pages of Swamp Thing, with his excellent use of light and shadow and his amazing character design.  My mind was (and still is) completely blown when I saw his black &white Frankenstein project.  The amount of detail he put into those images just floored and inspired me, I had never seen anything like it before, and it still stands as one of my all time favorite examples of comic book artwork.  May he rest in Peace.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Jonny Quest and Chance Falconer

I'm still holding out hope for new adventures of Leave it to Chance some day.  I loved what James Robinson and Paul Smith did with that series and always have wanted to see more.  It may seem like a long shot but if DC can bring back Jonny Quest and a host of other Hanna-Barbera characters and even team them up with heroes of the DCU, then anything can happen, right?

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Batman & The Outsiders and Guardians of the Galaxy (And more!)

Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 has released its full trailer, and I am glad that they fill it with cool shots and character moments, but do not give the whole plot away.  Even so, I am trying to remain very disciplined - I only watched the trailer once, and on a tiny little screen.  I know for sure that I will be seeing the film in the theater and I don't want to spoil too much for myself the way I have for far too many other movies.  I hear that audience preview scores have been through the roof, so I am expecting another fun night at the movies.

Batman crossed Paths with The Guardians once before, back in my B&B days...

Friday, March 17, 2017

Deathstroke Vs. Captain America in: "Second Strike!"

The above cover is of course referring to the events of STF #381...

I am very curious as to the fate of Captain America in the Marvel cinematic universe.  I think that the upcoming Avengers movies will complete Chris Evans contract in the role, and I have not heard anything about a fourth solo film.  I am really hoping he is not killed off or replaced somehow as so often happens in the comics.  Evans is still young enough to perform the role for years to come and the Captain America series has been the strongest of the Marvel franchises so far, in my opinion.

Coming tomorow: STF #1800!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Asterix Vs. Popeye

Neither of these two adventurers are known for backing away from a fight, and they both have incredible strength, so I can see them throwing down with one another.  While Asterix has his potion-granted might, Popeye's spinach seems to allow him to perform all sorts of stunts, so it would probably be pretty evenly matched.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Atom and The Micronauts in: "Micro Manager!"

I was hoping that the whole DC Rebirth event would mean that Ray Palmer would get some exposure again, given his many new fans from DC's Legends of Tomorrow.  Instead, we see Ryan Choi as The Atom (wearing a variation of TV Ray's outfit, no less) in the new Justice League of America title.  Don't get me wrong, I really like Choi as a character and collected his series - but let's see the classic Silver Age  Atom get some love again in the comics! He's more than due.

The Atom and The Micronauts crossed paths in STF #724...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hourman and The X-Men in: "The Rex Factor!"

I was all excited when Hourman appeared at the end of the first season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but I have to I was disappointed with what was actually done with him.  Rather than become a new member of the team. he was unceremoniously killed off before he got to do anything heroic.  Hopefully, given the time-travel nature of the show, the indignity can be undone some day.

Hourman faced off against the original team of X-Men in one of my very first STF covers...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Hawkman Vs. Hercules in : "The Battle of Midway!"

Both of these bare-chested brawlers are known to be a little hot headed at times, so I don't imagine that it would take too much to spark a conflict between the two of them.  Hercules has the edge on strength, Hawkman with flight, and they both can wield a wicke mace - I'd say it's a pretty even matchup.

Herc met the Silver Age Hawkman in STF #849...

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Jesse Quick and Northstar

While I have been enjoying all of the DC characters included featured on The Flash, I think that Jesse Quick misses the mark a bit.  Sure she's a speedster (which ne show has no shortage of), but her connection to Johnny Quick is gone.  Her costume doesn't look like any of the various looks that she has sported in the comics - she comes off more as Lady Flash than Jesse Quick.  Hopefully there can be some tweaks made to get her closer to her comic book counterpart.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sub-Mariner and Tarzan

I recently picked up a copy of Telling Stories: The Comic Book Art of Frank Frazetta, and I was amazed at the scope of his capabilities.  I was aware of his work with fantasy characters, but he did just about everything - humor, romance, war, noir, science-fiction - and did it all amazingly well.  My only wish is that he had done more work for the Marvel and DC heroes that I grew up with,  Still, he has a phenomenal body of work and I recommend the book to any fan of the art form.

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Jetsons and Futurama

This is a team up I would love to see in real life.  I think there is even a connection there - just look at George and Fry.  Red hair, a cowlick in the back, an overbite... perhaps there is a familial relationship there that we aren't aware of.  I can see Bender and Rosie really hitting it off as well.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Justice League of America Vs. The Phoenix in "Resurrection and Revenge!"

This cover continues the League's ongoing struggles with The Dark Phoenix.  She is of course referring here to the events of STF #409.  She also attacked the JLA in STF #1626 and they certainly weren't saying "Bwa-ha-ha" in STF #229.  Heck, she even gave them a hard time as innocent young Jean Grey back in STF #699...

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Green Lantern and Sasquatch

For a while it seemed like every new superhero team created had to have a "big guy in the back", and lots of oversized strong guys kept showing up.  Sasquatch was a big guy in the back before it became a cliche and I think that he still has one of the best designs of them all.  Heck, I would have bought a Sasquatch solo series.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Zatanna and Dazzler

Zatanna has had a number of different looks, but for obvious reasons the top hat and fishnet look always seems to return.  I will say that while the above look didn't do much for me, I did like the second new outfit she wore in Justice League of America, designed by George Perez.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Boba Fett and the Rocketeer in "Secord... In Space!"

One character that I haven't heard a lot about in connection to the Han Solo movie that is about to begin filming is Boba Fett.  He never got the big action scene that he deserved in the original trilogy, and it would be great to see him get one more shot.  I can't remember if it was ever established whether he and Han had met prior to the events of The Empire Strikes Back, though.

These two met once before in STF #1464...

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Photon and Air Wave

Monica Rambeau is long overdue for her live action debut.  Light-based powers shouldn't be too difficult to pull off so she could easily be featured on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  I'd prefer that she get the big screen treatment, though.  I'm thinking that the upcoming Captain Marvel film would be a good place to introduce her character.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Phantom Stranger and The Shadow (Part Two)

Continued from yesterday's cover, we see what The Phantom Stranger has been after all along.  It's cool to see The Shadow in the movies and comics, and I have enjoyed both.  For me though, I will always be most fond of the classic radio dramas featuring the character.  They bring me back to camping trips with my family, and I have always loved the (now mostly lost) art form of the radio play.  The Shadow, Mystery Theater, X-Minus One and many other programs really knew how to stimulate the theater of the mind.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Phantom Stranger and The Shadow (Part One)

This cover comes about from a suggestion by STF Patron Ken Roskos.  I had to smack my head when I read it because I could not believe that I hadn't thought of it before, it feels like a natural.  In fact, I liked the idea of these two together so much that I made it a two-parter - so make sure to stop by again tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Jack of Hearts and Firestorm

This was a pairing that I saw suggested in the comments a little while back and I have to agree that the costumes do look pretty cool together.  Both outfits look great on their own in the comics despite (or perhaps because of) some odd choices like Firestorm's puffy sleeves or Jack's overly complicated vest pattern.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Doctor Strange and Metamorpho

An odd couple to be sure, but I think this could be a fun pairing.  I can see Rex Mason not having much patience for all of the mystic mumbo jumbo goings on, let alone being imprisoned.  Between his bag of elemental tricks and Strange's magical spells, it might be a fun match up to read about and see.

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