Thursday, August 9, 2012

Adam Strange and Space Ghost (Part Two)

I had to make this one a two-parter because I really like how these heroes go together. Between the similar color schemes, settings and menaces that they battle, they seem to be characters that would be a natural fit with one another.  Space Ghost was probably the first non-DC or Marvel superhero that I really became a fan of, due to his appearances on Hanna-Barbera's World of Super-Adventure from my youth.  For some reason, when I think back on those shows, the element that stands out in my mind the most is the sound effects.  Those cool spaceship, monster, and wrist blast sounds, coupled with the fun character design, made up for the simplistic animation that was used.  Still, I would love to see an updated Space Ghost cartoon, done straight in today's style.  The Batman: The Brave and the Bold  appearance was fun, but I want more!


Dr. OTR said...

Never thought of it before, but their costumes are almost inverted with respect to each other -- Adam's is red with white and yellow highlights, SG's is white with red and yellow highlights. No fin or jetpack on SG, or cape on Adam, but otherwise they are almost mirror images.

Hate to be the one to point this out, but "an army of it is greatest criminals" should be replaced with "an army of its greatest criminals".

pblfsda said...

Well, Ross, the good news is that the price is reduced by more than 40%. The bad news is that the original price is a lot more than I've ever paid for a boxed set.

John Small said...

The original "Space Ghost" was a classic! I'm one of those old enough to remember watching it in its original run back in the 1960s; the later sequel series from the late 70s or early 80s wasn't bad (although I hated the redesigned spaceship), and that insipid "Space Ghost Coast To Coast" is something I just do NOT like being reminded of at all. I agree that a new Space Ghost could be a lot of fun - IF they do it right, which (based on other new versions of toons from my childhood that I've seen in recent years) isn't likely to happen unfortunately.

By the way, can we now expect to see Birdman show up here soon? I mean the REAL Birdman, not that stupid "Harvey Birdman" travesty...

Ross said...

Thanks, Doc, I lost the apostrophe!

pblfsda - Wow, I never new such a collection existed!

John - both versions of Birdman have teamed up with Batman on this blog already and he just may return.... as well as other Hanna-Barbera stars.

Anonymous said...

how bout quick draw mcgraw standing over defeated bullseye saying they call me quick draw for a reason.also guardians of galaxy vs guardians of universe or robocop and savage dragon both cops also underdog and hourman since they both use pills for power

Carycomic said...

I'll bet that's just an Antarean protoplasmoid being mind-controlled by the Creature King.

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