Thursday, July 4, 2024

Captain America and Steel

Happy Fourth of July to all of the American visitors to this blog!  I will be spending the holiday with some of my family and friends and my beautiful girlfriend by the water, and I hope that everyone else has similar plans to spend time with family and loved ones.

This is a cover that required some prep work involving background clean up, repair and extension.  Here's a look behind the scenes: 



Carycomic said...

Whoa! I thought you had used this pairing once before. But, a search of the bottom links revealed that I was wrong. That I had confused Steel (the Indestructible Man) with the Golden Age Fighting American.

So, not only a brilliant pairing. But, long-overdue, as well.

Have a Happy 4th of July, Ross! :-)

Jared Mello said...

I figured that we'd get something with Cap for Independence Day; but putting him together with the Golden Age Steel was NOT something I expected. Great work and Happy Fourth!

Jared Mello said...

OK; I apologize for saying "Golden Age Steel"; I wasn't sure until checking Wikipedia that he was created in the 1980s and his presence in the war years was a retcon.

Still a great job, though.

Anonymous said...

Gerry Conway co created Steel in 1978. Gerry thought DC needed their version of Captain America. The book was cancelled in the Implosion. Cancelled Comics Cavalcade has an issue that was eventually reused in All Star Squadron.

Anonymous said...

Split the difference, Jared. Call him "Late Silver Age."


Detective Tobor said...

Ross, hope your forth had loads of fireworks for your own holiday.
The pairing was BRIGHT and inspirational. Any chance of making a full team of these flag wearers? Between Cap, Wonder Woman, Steel, Fighting American, Miss Liberty, and the rest....A Liberty League of sorts could be surprising.

Carycomic said...

@Det. Tobor: Lol! It appears Mr. Pearsall is sleeping in for thrice.*

*I've always wanted to use that word! :-)

Detective Tobor said...

@Carycomic, odd's bodkins!! i do believe Master Ross was able to share some vacation time after all. Finally!!

Worldmusic said...

Steel was immediately my favorite character in the ALL-STAR SQUADRON comic book of the mid 1980s. Roy Thomas wrote some brilliant stories for this book, which instilled in me a life long passion for history that led me to study it in graduate school. And Don Heck (like Jim Aparo) were super underrated artists of the Bronze Ages '80s.

Carycomic said...

@Jared Mello: back at that time, Steel the Indestructible Man struck me as an amalgam of Capt. America and the $6,000,000 Man. Steve Rogers meets Col. Steve Austin, you might say.

C.C. said...

^ I agree with that. Great cover version by the way.

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