Sunday, July 21, 2024

Green Arrow Vs. The Prowler


This was a tricky cover to get just right.  There was a bit of background rebuilding required before I could ad in the battling bowman.  Here's a look at the behind the scenes progress:


Shamus said...

Eclipso and The Hulk are so similar that we need a team up between them. Think: Both men named Bruce who have split personalities they turn into unexpectedly. Their split personalities are usually seen as monstrous, and they tend to have incredible power. Are those not nearly the same exact characters!? We need a team up!

Carycomic said...

Whoa! The Prowler must REALLY be p.o.'d at him. He even shaved off GA's goatee!

Davejonz said...

Once again your hard work has paid off handsomely.
I hope GA has a parachute arrow up his sleeve (sorry...quiver)

emsley wyatt said...

Good "street level" for for Ollie to take on.

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: that might be Connor Hawke filling in for his old man.

Bob Greenwade said...

This Prowler outfit looks like he should be fighting Wesley Dodds.

Anyway, nice work here, Ross.

Detective Tobor said...

Ross, "SHAFTED"?? for an archer?? Take a cookie!!

@Shamus, Hulk is simple minded, not evil. Big difference to Eclipso who IS evil.
Bruce Gordon would change under night coming...Bruce Banner changes when angry or scared. Very big differences on each level.

jack-el said...

another great cover combo, Ross....
and another unsolicited suggestion......
how about Groo the wanderer and Groot and baby Yoda called Gogru.......

Wolfhammer said...

Always great to see The Prowler and Green Arrow on the blog.

H.H.Horsefeathers with extras said...

The Arrow falling? I'm all a quiver.

C.C. said...

Yes to The Hulk & Eclipso.

Maybe Sasquatch & Eclipso would be a better team-up.

Also, yes to Prowler vs. Sandman 1 or even DC's Jack o' Lantern.

Carycomic said...

Well, this morning, you got half your wish. ;-)

C.C. said...

I never noticed how much DC's Jack o' Lantern resembled Marvel's Prowler before this cover.

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