Yeah, I don't know how this group is expected to be able to take on the World Devourer either. It would be fun to watch them try, though! Let's hope that one of them has an ace up their sleeve.
Yeah, I don't know how this group is expected to be able to take on the World Devourer either. It would be fun to watch them try, though! Let's hope that one of them has an ace up their sleeve.
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I was bored, so i decided to try reading Jack Kirby's machine man. And one thing i discovered was that machine man ends up in central city. That's the same name as the flash's city. So...machine man vs the flash?
Not so much an ace, I think, as a joker. As in, court jester? Like, say, the outfit worn by Merryman of the Inferior Five?
Well, that's who I'd recruit if I were "Merry, the Girl of a Thousand Gimmicks" (the Star-Spangled Kid's foster sister, if memory serves). They're the only low-powered super-group to fend off Galactus and live to tell about it! So, they might be able to give the 7 Soldiers an edge. Right?
If nothing else, Ross, you'd finally have a valid reason for debuting her, here.
Well, now we know what the Watcher came to Oracle's clock tower to watch. Namely, the research she starts doing to see how Galactus was driven off by the Inferior Five!
They hit him with a log (in STF #2612), right? Well, what if that log was really the Floronic Man (from STF #2094) momentarily occupied by Deadman (from STF #2883) just long enough to put a splinter under Galactus' skin! That way, Galactus could be phytokinetically "persuaded" by the Swamp Thing (in a prequel to STF # 3690) to leave Earth alone, once again. If not, for the rest of all time!!
@Carycomic: why couldn't that log simply be Groot (from STF #2061) telepathically linked up with Alec Holland via GL power ring (from STF #2604)? A lot less complicated, don't you think?
I "wood" like to think so. ;-)
How about the Three Stooges meet the Flintstones.
Perhaps in a different branch of the timeline.
@Emsley Wyatt: why, soitainly! *Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk!*
*Grumbles to himself* Where's a face-palm emoji when you need one?
Well, the Seven have their work cut out for them, but it's doable. After all, Galactus has been faced down by the likes of Captain Klutz and The Inferior Five.
@Bob Greenwade: whoa! Deja vu!
Oh WOW ! i love it ! so want to read this, but sad that only in my imagination will it happen…
Better yet you can have Jonah Hex and Nightcrawler in "Team Up Story".
Featuring that hit song "Gluck Sei Heute Abend Eine Dame" ("Luck Be A Lady, Tonight").
Since nobody else has evidently thought to ask...did the Golden Age Speedy really have a red cap, at one point? Or was that simply a colorist's blooper?
Green Arrow has a special antimatter arrow. Once he gets a clear shot, it's all over for Galactus.
The Flash's city and the Spirit's city too!
How about an X-23 / Ravager meeting??
Or a sequel to STF #1514?
@Ben W: special guest-appearance by the FullMetal Alchemist's hometown?
what's the problem!? Starboy talked to Reed. Reed and Tony and Mr Terrific made copies of the Nullifyer. Galactus keeps coming back and gets pissed at how many know how to keep him at bay.
hmmm...Reed Richards and Robby Reed team to become the Reeds of New Hampshire. A new comedy series on the CW this fall! See Robby change all the rules as he makes all kinds of changes in his life from a simple dial a day.
Also "Brenda Starr, Reporter." In fact, the newspaper she worked for was the Central City Flash.
If you're talking Central City, don't forget that that's also Sonic's home town.
@Det. Tobor: Or they summon the Nebula Man (the future 9th Cosmos) to battle Galactus for them. How do they manage the summoning? The Seven Soldiers' Speedy steals Gabriel's Horn from Titans' Tower by posing as the modern Roy Harper of Young Justice!
Makes sense to me. I mean, this is the Ross-verse! So, who else but Ross can say that the Golden Age Speedy isn't the time-lost great-uncle of his YJ namesake?
Galactus vs. Cthulhu would make for an interesting sequel.
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