Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Conan and Mightor


I thought it was time that I featured these two bare-chested battlers from a time gone by in a tale together.  While they may lack fancy attire, their dedication to clobbering demonic intruders is second to none - so you know that you could count on 22 pages of demon-bashing action

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Man-Bat and The Abomination


This would be an interesting match up.  Man-Bat has agility and flight at his advantage, while The Abomination has his incredible strength.  No matter who wins, it would be cool to see them join forces against The Grandmaster at the end of the story. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Cannonball and The Ray


When you count the Brave and the Bold and Marvel Two-In-One covers that I began with, this marks the 5000th cover on the blog!

Here are another two heroes that have power sets that go well together.  Place them in a story that requires their special talents and you would have a fast paced page turner on your hands.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Photon and Starman


These two heroes have power sets that I think would go well together.  I can see The Shade being able to give them trouble, though.  It would be a vissually interesting battle to see play out.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green Lantern & The Flash and The Defenders


Another pair of JLA members with a classic Marvel team again today, like on yesterday's cover. This time I feature the GL/Flash team, which made more sense to me as a kid than GL/Green Arrow.  You could always count on an action packed tale when Barry and Hal got together.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Fantastic Four and Red Tornado & Elongated Man


Elongated Man and Red Tornado were two members of the JLA that were never granted their own solo ongoing series, but that only made me seek out comics in which they did appear even more.  I would have loved to have seen them on the forefront of a great team up battle like the one on this cover.

Elongated Man previously faced off against Galactus in STF #1581...

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jack O'Lantern and Union Jack


Two full-masked heroes from across the pond, both named Jack?  I'm surprised it took me so long to get them together.  Neither of them have made all that many appearances over the years, but I have always enjoyed when they have been featured.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Roger Rabbit and Rocket Raccoon


Rocket stuck in a town filled with funny talking animals?  That sounds like a natural situation and one that could lead to plenty of action an laughs.  This is a tale definitely worth telling.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Doctor Strange Vs. Eclipso


I had previously featured a battle between these two as one of the back up stories in STF #2400, but I thought that this was a match up that was worthy of its own issue.  Doctor Stephen Strange is familiar with having to stave off his own darker side - The end of his last cinematic outing left him doing just that, after all - hopefully it will not be too many years before we see that plot point resolved.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Black Widow and Nightshade


Nightshade still has a lot of untapped potential.  She's one of the Charlton characters that DC acquired back in the 80's, and still has not done enough with yet.  I have liked the brief moments where she has shown up and her appearances on various teams over the years - but it would be nice to see her truly get a moment in the spotlight.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Green Arrow Vs. The Prowler


This was a tricky cover to get just right.  There was a bit of background rebuilding required before I could ad in the battling bowman.  Here's a look at the behind the scenes progress:

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Groo The Wanderer and The Supreme Intelligence


I felt like going for a truly oddball pairing this time around, and this would be a true meeting of opposites.  It could make for quite an amusing tale, though! 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Magnus: Robot Fighter Vs. Brainiac


I was a little surprised when I checked and saw that I had not pit these two against one another yet on this blog.  It seems like a natural battle to feature, so here is the long overdue match-up.  Here's hoping we will finally see Brainiac on the big screen now that Superman is flying back into the movies.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Judge Dredd and Ambush Bug


I don't think Dredd would have much patience, if any at all, for the Bug's antics - and that of course would make this an entertaining tale to read.  Sharp-eyed visitors may have noticed that Ambush Bug also put his Who's Who in the DC Universe profile to use in STF 4015...

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Galactus Vs. The Seven Soldiers of Victory


Yeah, I don't know how this group is expected to be able to take on the World Devourer either.  It would be fun to watch them try, though!  Let's hope that one of them has an ace up their sleeve.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Oracle and The Watcher


Hey, if you want to be sure that you have all of the most current intel to pull off a successful mission, it helps to have an inside man that knows it all.  I think that watching the behind the scenes machinations between these two against the backdrop of a crisis-style event could make for an interesting tale. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Cloak and Dagger and The Creeper


They may all be street-level heroes, but that's about where the similarity ends.  It might be fun to see everyone thrown into an adventure together.  The Creeper has run afoul of The Kingpin a couple of times on this blog, I can see this tale spinning out of that rivalry.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Captain America and Captain Kirk


Continued from yesterday's cover, we see just what Captain America has gotten into in his adventure with the crew of The Enterprise.  This issue would be enjoyable for me just to watch the interaction between the two captains.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Captain America and Star Trek


The crew of the Enterprise have interacted with notable figures from history on multiple occasions.  Why not summon a living legend like Steve Rogers?  This would make for an interesting tale, I think.  Make sure you come back here tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Mister Miracle and The Silver Surfer


When I was a kid, The Silver Surfer's appearances were all based around him trying to escape Earth's atmosphere.  He eventually was able to do so, but perhaps he would have found his space-faring Freedom a lot sooner if he had called on the assistance of master escape artist Scott Free.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Superboy Vs. Ultron


This is another cover which required a bit of background tweaking and rebuilding prior to adding in any new elements.  Here is a look at the behind the scenes process:

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wonder Woman Vs. The Super Skrull in: "Crossed... By Kl'rt!"


It would seem that there is some unfinished business following The Super Skrull's invasion of Paradise Island back in STF #4058.  This will be a recovery mission that calls for a rematch, I'd say.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Agents of the Abyss (The Animated Series!)


The Agents of the Abyss first appeared over a decade ago in STF #631, and I have been meaning to bring them back ever since.  What better way than as their own animated series? I'd happily tune into a show like this over a heaping bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Green Lantern and Nova in: "That's No Moon!"


Hal Jordan met the Richard Ryder Nova way back in STF #121, and I thought it was time that he met the Franke Raye version. I wonder how close the Shalla-Bal Silver Surfer from the upcoming Fantastic Four movie will be visually to this iteration of the Galcatus Herald.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hawkeye Vs. The Shadow Thief


I am always happy to use The Shadow Thief on a cover.  His villainous intangibility gimmick is beautiful in its simplicity, and always makes for an awesome visual.  It would be cool to see Clint Barton try to figure out a way to counter those abilities.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Usagi Yojimbo and Black Panther


The title says it all - this is a tale that I think would make for a visual feast.  I can imagine lots of crowded battle scenes and action against a backdrop of scenic vistas and ancient villages.  Reading a comic like that would not be a bad way to spend a rainy afternoon 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Geo-Force and The Hulk

The Hulk has had worse offer over the years.  I say go for it.  But what interest would Prince Brion's homeland have with Bruce Banner?  There might be an interesting story to unravel here.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Captain America and Steel

Happy Fourth of July to all of the American visitors to this blog!  I will be spending the holiday with some of my family and friends and my beautiful girlfriend by the water, and I hope that everyone else has similar plans to spend time with family and loved ones.

This is a cover that required some prep work involving background clean up, repair and extension.  Here's a look behind the scenes: 


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Darkseid Vs. The Inhumans


I was a little surprised that I had not pitted these Kirby creations against each other yet.  Let's remedy that right now - it would make for an epic storyline after all!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Deathlok and The Atom


With multiple attempts to re-start the Terminator franchise being less than successful, maybe it's time for Deathlok to hit the big screen.  He's a time traveling heroic cyborg himself, so maybe he could scratch that cinematic itch for fans.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Bulletman and The Human Torch


When I was a kid I thought that Bulletman had a much higher profile than he actually did.  I mean, he had his own action figure after all!  Alas, I only got to see him in action in a few Shazam-related guest appearances over the years.  I still thought he was pretty cool, though, and always got a kick out it when he would indeed show up in a story.

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