Sunday, June 7, 2020

Captain Comet and Thor in: Blake and the Behemoth!"

In my mind, Thor is still Don Blake.  I'm not sure why that aspect of the character eventually went away in the comics.  I like when heroes have secret identities, and this was one of the cooler ones.  Plus, the sight of an unassuming surgeon with a permanent limp striking his cane on the ground and transforming into the God of Thunder was always awesome to see.  I miss that.

Captain Comet and Thor were first revealed to be cousins in STF #2292...


AirDave said...

Yeah, I liked Don Blake as a secret identity, too. But it was so melodrama with Thor/Don pining for Nurse Jane Foster, with Odin and Loki looking on in judgment. As much as I respect Bill Bixby, I don't think The Return of The Incredible Hulk did Thor any favors... "Odin!"

Carycomic said...

A Blake family reunion? With a mind-controlled Daphne riding atop a Dinobot?? Which, for all I know, masqueraded as the Mystery Machine for fifty years??!

Ross, you're a mad genius! :-D

Bob Greenwade said...


Anonymous said...

What would Scooby Apocalypse turn out as, if the comic book serieswas not to be unplugged?

Anonymous said...

Interesting way to tie together all of the Blakes. All that is missing from the cover is Scooby and Shaggy running from the explosion.

Anonymous said...

While I do enjoy the assorted family linkups in this site (The Danvers sisters and Hawkeye/Huntress being my favorites), I still feel that this grouping of a mutant, the host of a deity, and a freelance investigator is rather ... half-Blaked.

Having made an atrocious pun, I descend into my hidden crypt ...

Davejonz said...

The obvious Blake link (if you've been brought up on UK sci fi TV) is... BLAKE'S 7.
If it never made it across the pond, never mind. Creaky sets... think early Doctor Who - and some creaky acting...but fondly remembered.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

I think it would have made accepting alternate Thors, even the lady ones, a bit easier. If his actual name is Thor Odinson and not Donald Blake using Thor's power how can these others use it as their name. It's like if I took Lou Feringo's power and called myself Lou.

Anonymous said...

How about Scooby and the Mystery Gang vs. the Kingpin? Like, you and Fred both wear ascots, eh Scoob?

Anonymous said...

Or even better, vs. The Mask, for obvious reasons.

Torchwood's Finest said...

Look, it's, it's THE CAPTAINS COLLECTION with Captain Carrot, Captain Comet, Captain America, Captain Britain, Captain Marvel, the Captains of Industry, Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, Captain Sisko, Captain Janeway, Captain Atom and Captain Crunch!

and Captain Jack Harkness was ready for them all with a big grin.

Carycomic said...
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Carycomic said...

@ShadowWing Tronix: Odin has apparently been channeling Thor's power into mortals since WWII! At which time, his civilian identity was Grant Farrell, professor of electrical sciences.*

*Published by Fox Features Syndicate (now defunct).

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: What a coincidence! Ajax-Farrell Comics used to publish the amateur sleuthing adventures of an Englishman named Emmett Blake (son of a Scotland Yard inspector).

Carycomic said...

And I believe that the Silver Age Superboy once had a blind classmate, at Smallville High School, named Donald Blake. One has to wonder if Odin (at least in the Earth-STF universe) regenerated the youngster's optic nerves preparatory to making him an avatar of Thor.

Anonymous said...

@Torchwood's Finest: Don't forget Captain Caveman and Captain Klutz.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

Well if we're just throwing captains in there I have a comic I make and post on my site every year called Captain Yuletide. Which has numerous elves in the role depending on required skills so that's a team on their own.

Anonymous said...

You guys forgot Captain Nice.

Brother Kellymatthew said...

Is that a ZOID between your legs or are you just happy to see me?

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