Sunday, September 8, 2013

Superman and Ego: The Living Planet

The stories from Superman's Silver Age could sometimes be a bit hokey, but they were filled with such creativity and high concept ideas I couldn't help but get a kick out of them.  I get that writers want to modernize Superman and give him a more serious edge these days, but I hope they don't completely get rid of the whimsy or "anything can happen" attitude of some of his earlier adventures.  Writers like Grant Morrison and Alan Moore have done a good job showcasing both sides of the character, and I think that's one reason why their interpretations have been so popular.


AirDave said...

Wow! That would be a fun story. I find myself drawn more and more to the older stories. They were fun and silly. More of today's stories are too serious. I wonder if we'll look back on current stories and say they were fun.

I have a feeling that publishers have painted themselves into a corner as far as what the "character Bible" will allow for their iconic characters.

It's hard to believe that anything can happen, when it seems nothing really changes.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this wins the prize for most obscure, unheard of character! Who the heck was Ego? From what company?

pblfsda said...

Ego was a Marvel character who went up against the Kirby 60's Thor and the Byrne 80's Fantastic Four. Is the other half of this story involve Mogo and the Shi'ar Imperial Guardian?

Anonymous said...

Ego was one of the weirdest and creepiest villains-no wait, not a villain, but a Galactus-Celestial level threat, more like a force of nature than a villain. The idea of a planet that can scowl at you...yikes. It's like that movie Melancholia.
That Kirby, what a mind.

Unknown said...

Mogo vs. Eon! You can title it "WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE!"

Isaac said...

@ Daniel Perez - You said a mouthful! Make it so Ross, Nuff Said!

Anonymous said...

Try Lobdell's Superman stories. It's Silver Age meets today in its level of fun threats...

Carycomic said...

If Ego and Krypton reconciled in a yellow sun system, would they become the parents of "little" super-egos?

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