Friday, April 12, 2013

Amethyst and Xena

It's cool to see that DC is giving Amethyst another shot these days, between her appearances in the comics and as part of the DCU animated Shorts. She is just the type of character that has been sitting around for years with unfulfilled potential.  Hopefully she can strike a chord with audiences and continue to build her fan base.

Whenever I read an article about how hard it is to come up with a movie or TV show based on Wonder Woman, I have to scratch my head.  Didn't these people ever watch Xena: Warrior Princess?  With a few adjustments, that showed that a live action WW could easily work!


Dr. OTR said...

I understand that the current Amethyst comic has been cancelled -- so, no, they failed to "strike a chord with audiences and continue to build her fan base".

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the Amethyst comic would have done better if it had been closer to the animated shorts. Those were adorable.

I guess it wasn't grim & gritty enough. :(


Ross said...

OTR - Amethyst is supposed to be joining with Justice League Dark so there is still a chance for her.

Anonymous said...

great now do buffy and xena.

Ross said...

You'll see that one eventually...

Anonymous said...

Based on recent issues of JLD (and her absence, therefrom), I'd have to guess that Amethyst's membership--if any--was short-lived.

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