Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Robo Force (Versus Ultron)

I wanted to give myself a challenge and see if I could create a second cover featuring one of my new teams, and here is the result.  These heroes are of course searching for the reason behind humanity's disappearance, and that would naturally lead to a prime suspect in Ultron.  Here's hoping we will see Hank Pym's unruly problem child facing off against the Avengers on the silver screen sometime down the line...


pblfsda said...

I'm pretty sure Machine Man has already come up against a permutation of Ultron in the original Marvel Two-In-One (towards the end, and with Jocasta).
Say, would this team have its own junior sidekicks? Like Astro Boy or Brynocki or Haley Joel Osment?

Anonymous said...

If you want a robot sidekick for this team, you should look into Rusty the Boy Robot. He's pure sidekick material. Too bad Geoff Darrow only put out two issues. :(

The animated series was good too if you can find it.

As always, loving these.


Ross said...

Big Guy and Rusty will definitely make a return appearance on the blog.

Isaac said...

Where's Auto-Man and H.e.r.b.i.e.? :)
Great cover, 'tho.

Bob Greenwade said...

It's fun to see a repeat of this team. Maybe some time in the future they can check in with some King of the Undead for a sort of science versus magic showdown. (The only one I know of is Takofanes from the Champions RPG, but there are probably many other possibilities.)

Along a related line of thought, I wonder if there would be enough sapient simians to make an ad hoc group of apes and monkeys. I suppose you could start with Detective Chimp, Captain Simian, Dr. Silverback, Ape-X (from Marfel Apes), Monkeyman, Don Uggie Apelino (from Judge Dredd)... add two more and you can call the group Prime 8!

Ross said...

Ha, good name!

pblfsda said...

As a matter of fact...


...I'm pretty sure I've got a copy of this somewhere because Neal Adams did the wraparound cover.

Jeff Nettleton said...

No Irona? Richie Rich is sad. :(

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