Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Demon and The Invaders


They say that war is Hell, after all - so why wouldn't Jack Kirby's demonic creation get caught up in an Invaders mission?

This cover required a bit of prep work before I could add Etrigan into the mix.  Here's a look at the behind the scenes progress:


Detective Tobor said...

Bucky for the Demon is a great trade!! That's one of the best stretching a Buck's value I've ever seen! The Red Skull has ALWAYS been a big fan of himself! He's no doubt thrilled to be the center of attention! smooth job Ross!

Bob Greenwade said...

Jason Blood's been around for a good long while, so it stands to reason that he'd be around to help during WWII, even if DC has never actually portrayed that as happening.

On a related turn, someone else who's been around a good long while is Vandal Savage. Long enough to have done battle against Conan, perhaps?

Davejonz said...

Not for the first time I think your reworked cover is actually an improvement on the original. You've decluttered and let it breathe, so to speak. Plus the Demon's presence adds a whole new degree of gravitas. Keep them coming!

Los Thunderlads said...

Another great cover! Too bad there wasn't room for the guy in the blue top hat in the new composition.

Ben W said...

What, no rhyme?

Carycomic said...

@BEn W: re-read the word balloons.

@Ross: not bad! Although, I was half-expecting something in honor of Mother's Day. Like, say, the Red Skull vs. Ma Hunkle (the Golden Age Red Tornado)?

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: she was probably too busy helping the rest of the Union Suit Squad on a separate case.

Carycomic said...

@Anon503: you mean, like whether or not there's a connection between the Monday night robbery of Scrooge McDuck's vault...and the long-overdue reimbursement of old hamburger debts, by J. Wellington Wimpy, on Tuesday morning?

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: good one!

Anonymous said...

Well, what you do you know? It's "The Return of Herr Big Head"!

(See STF #3273.)

Carycomic said...

@Los Thunderlads: maybe that was Zatara the Magician (Zatanna's father). If so, that would explain his "disappearance" from the art work.


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