Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Nexus and Grendel


Grendel and Nexus were two characters that I didn't read much of when they first appeared, as the titles that they appeared in weren't available where I shopped.  Still, I thought they looked really cool from what I did see of them, and I was a fan of both Steve Rude and Matt Wagner - so I made a point to seek out some of their adventures later on.  Great stuff.


Carycomic said...

YES! Grendel is back...after two long years. And working with Nexus? The indie character who's like Space Ghost-meets-Judge Dredd?! Whatever prompted this combo has got to be a really big threat, indeed.

Now, if only I can get the other half of my wish. Deadpool and Venom double-teaming Grendel!

Carycomic said...

Another of my long-standing wishes? Judge Dredd recruiting Spider-Man for an adventure called "Judge Parker Redux!"

A punny reference to the Nicholas P. Dallis comic strip, of course.

Glenn said...

Love when you do matchups from outside the big two.

Detective Tobor said...

Didn't Grendel share an adventure with Batman many years ago?
Don't know Nexus. How would he work with Invincible?

Carycomic said...

@Tobor: yes. Hunter Rose wanted/needed a new challenge. So, he briefly impersonated the Riddler in order to leave his mark (literally) on a full-scale replica of the Egyptian Sphinx being worked on by Wayne Enterprises!

Carycomic said...

P.S.--how about a sequel to STF #829 called "The Spawn of Vuffi Ra" (guest-starring Han Solo)!

simon said...

followed Nexus from its first magazine sized black and white, one of my all time favourites,
Grendel / hunter rose ever ingenious, so this would be a insane crossover with Nexus having his nightmare dreams and dealing with a clever killer, i do wonder how would they survive each other let alone the opposition….

Carycomic said...

I wonder if Nexus would survive a run-in with the Gold Key Dr. Solar?

Anonymous said...

To go against what Gleen wrote above. I hate when you go outside the big two. I have no idea who these 2 are nor do I care. They both seem like watered down versions of other characters from the big two. Using too many obscure characters no one has heard of or cares about endangers the blog's clicks/views/patronage (if that's what you're interested in).

Anonymous said...

The preceding t***l does not speak for all Anonymii.

Anonymous said...

^ Sorry Charlie but he's said in the past (on more than one occasion) that some characters won't be feature on the blog because they were "too obscure". I think the 2 up above easily fit that definition.

He's also said flat out that some folks won't be used in the blog. The only ones I can think of right off the bat are DC's New Guardians. Who most comic book fans know of from their own title & the Mill. minis series back in the last 80s. This was mention pre-Covid & they haven't popped up since. Floro recently appeared against Atom & the Hulk but no RAM, Jet, Gloss, etc. I assume part of the reason is the AIDS controversy surrounding Harbinger, Extrano & the Hemogoblin. He likes to fix some things in comics (like plot holes/inconsistencies) but I guess that plot isn't going to be one of them.

Didn't Hulk's pal Jim Wilson die of AIDS in his green buddy's comics? He could team up with Extrano going up against Kang & Chronos in a flashback tale.

Anonymous said...

I still prefer his periodic inclusion of non-Big 2's.

Anonymous said...

^ Who said they didn't?

The issue is "obscure characters" (& not "non-Big 2's").

Carycomic said...

@both anons: Part and parcel, guys.

Anonymous said...

In other words: this is Ross' website and he can use as many obscure characters (Big 2 and otherwise) as he feels like it.

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