Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sabretooth Vs. Deathstroke


This is a villain match up that I have been meaning to get to for a while now.  Both are highly skilled combatants with healing factors.  Sabretooth may heal even faster than Slade, but Slade has the edge as far as knowledge of different fighting techniques go.  Who do you think would come out on top?


Anonymous said...

I’d have to say Deathstroke would come out on top… but bloodied and banged up for sure! Nice pairing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, think about it. Here, in the Ross-verse, Slade and Wade Wilson are half-brothers. While Deadpool and Sabretooth used to be mercenary teammates. And maybe even more than that!

Can you say, "Brokeback Mutant"?

Carycomic said...

Off topic for a moment? I just checked and (no big surprise) there is, just like 13 years ago, no google doodle for May the Fourth.

"I find your lack of pop-cultural fidelity disturbing."

Carycomic said...

Getting back on topic @ Anon822. Are you trying to pull an Alan Scott, here?

Glenn said...

Did Slade neuter Sabretooth with blade which prevented him from regenerating?

Interesting fight if Deathsttroke is prepared who has proved he can handle superpowered opponents.

Anonymous said...

@Glenn: In that now-classic meet-up between the X-men and the New Teen Titans, Deathstroke certainly proved that not even Wolverine can take him by surprise.


Bob Greenwade said...

I would've hoped for something relevant to Star Wars on May the Fourth. Oh, well. Maybe in some future year. We might've at least had Galactus visiting Naboo. (Though my hopes for a Sept 19th meeting between Hondo Ohnaka and the Starjammers remain futile.)

In answer to your question, Ross, I think this story would end with both combatants considering themselves to have won.

Going back to Galactus for a bit, as I was drifting off to sleep last night I had this mental image of the big guy visiting Risa (the Star Trek "pleasure planet"), with Nova explaining to the powers-that-be, "Don't worry! He just ate! He's here for... other pursuits!"

Carycomic said...

Even Rita Farr of the Doom Patrol might not get tall enough to satisfy _that_ kind of pursuit!*


Bob Greenwade said...

Yet another crazy team-up idea: Doctor Strange and "Weird Al" Yankovic. It's all right there: Strange and Weird.

OK, I'm off to bed now.

Anonymous said...

How about the Creature Commandos vs. the Legion of Monsters with Yankovic caught in the middle? Tentative title: "Weird Al Tales!"

Detective Tobor said...

@Bob G, we know some planets are alive and have egos, some have spirits in them, some life forms that may be as big as a galaxy. Could Galactus have had a kid?

Getting back to the cover at hand, could their detached heads be placed on each others' bodies? Since they each have mutant healing factors, could those factors permit each body to adapt and accept the other's head? Hard but not impossible.

Anonymous said...

@Det. Tobor: yes, he did. The semi-canonical Galacta.

Carycomic said...

Most people just call her "Gal" for short.

Anonymous said...

How about a battle between DC & Marvel's two Sabertooths?

I recall Barry Flash had a Sabertooth foe at 1 point. Maybe the Tooth Fairy from that film could make it happen.

Carycomic said...

I'd prefer to see Deathstroke vs. Lady Deathstrike.

Ben W said...

@Cary That makes me think that "Gal" should meet Guy Gardner.

Carycomic said...

@Ben W: good one!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Coming soon (July 26, 2024); DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE!

The duo are conscripted by the Time Variance Authority to make sure the MCU is not endangered by Kang having been introduced before his earlier iteration, Pharaoh Rama-Tut.

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