Monday, May 20, 2024

Robin Vs. Morbius


I'm not sure what kinds of rules there are against vampires in children's animation, but Morbius did not drink blood in the 90's Spider-Man animated series.  Instead they depicted him feeding on human plasma through circular growths on the palms of his hands.  For me, that seemed grosser than biting someone's neck, but I suppose the producers' thinking was that they didn't want kids running around taking chomps out of each other to emulate him.


Detective Tobor said...

DAMIEN!!DAMIEN!!Which Robin to try out here, Mr D W!!
There are so many things that could be worked out here!

Rabbi Joe said...

I remember that Supes and Tim Drake Robin teamed up once to take on a vampire (shortly before the Death of Superman).

Carycomic said...

@Ross: an understandable concern, given how many trans-Millenial kids are still so imitative as to actually heed the advice of Jackass programmers: "Do try these dangerous stunts at home!"

Slarti said...

Don't forget '90s Fox-Spidey Morbius' ridiculous accent as he went on incessantly about his need for "plaazzzsSssZzzma!"

Anonymous said...

Lol! Sounds like the voice-over artist was trying to channel Bela Lugosi via Curt Connors.

Carycomic said...

@Anon942: the voice-over artist n question was Nick Jameson.*

*Who's no relation to He-Who-Should-Never-Publish, I'm sure!

Bob Greenwade said...

Morbius is just bitey enough to warrant a cover with Ambush Bug.

Anonymous said...

I suddenly had a mental flash of Irwin Schwab and Michael Morbius harmonizing with Bob Hope (formerly of pre-COIE Earth-12) on "Fangs For The Memories."

Anonymous said...

Still no Mangog .....

Anonymous said...

For something completely different, what about Moonstone vs. The Atom.
Battle of the shrinks.

Anonymous said...

Or, failing that, how about the Bondsmen vs. Mangog?

Carycomic said...

I'd prefer to see Cthulhu vs. Mangog.

Anonymous said...


Carycomic said...

Motion has been made and seconded. All those in favor, post a bold-faced "aye".

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