Friday, May 31, 2024

Power Man and Elongated Man


Elongated Man's back-up tales that would appear in Detective Comics and other titles were among some of my favorites. The mini mysteries they presented were perfectly suited for the shorter page count and I liked the chemistry between the Dibny's.  We need more of the Stretchable Sleuth!


Carycomic said...

Maybe Sue--in her role as a former SHIELD* agent--has finally located the long-missing Moon Knight.

*See STF #4184.

Jared Mello said...

What if it's Ralph's birthday; and Luke's just part of one of those elaborate "birthday mysteries" that Sue sets up for him every year? That's my theory, at least.

emsley wyatt said...

Too bad that the actor who played him on the Flash was such a, well, fill in the blank.

Detective Tobor said...

@Emsley, on the Flash, the idea was that people could earn a second chance. No question that the actor YEARS AGO said stupid stuff. My question: What was that actor like NOW? How did he behave on set and with co-stars? Was he still the same OR had he change and behave better?? That's the person who needs to be looked at -- the one from now.

Ralph with a safe room just reminds me of the Identity Crisis story. I am still very bitter about that. Sue meant everything Lois Lane used to talk about being known as Superman's girlfriend, and being a target.

We've seen a few of these birthday gifts, Sue chooses out of creative love.
Thank you Ross for highlighting Ralph.

Matthew said...

I really think there should be a series with Ralph and Sue traveling around solving mysteries.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

It could be that Luke was hired to test the safe room's defenses.

Anonymous said...

@SWT: well, he evidently just became _too_ wrapped up in his work.

Carycomic said...

@Anon141: you did not just say that.

J. Kevin Carrier said...

Nice job combining the artwork on this one! That must've been tricky to get right.

I see you've made the same mistake I did re: Sue's last name. When she turned up on the FLASH tv show, they called her DearBON. I thought, "That can't be right, can it?" But I looked it up, and sure enough, she's been Sue Dearbon the whole time, and I'd just been misreading it for decades.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

@Anominous: why?

Ben W said...

@JKC Yeah, Dearborn is a town in Michigan, I think where Simon Baz/Green Lantern lives. Or at least I remember him living there during Rebirth, right?

Carycomic said...

@ShadowWingTronix: he was making a pun on being ensnared by Ralph's coils.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

I know. That's why it hurt.

Bob Greenwade said...

I just noticed a rare (for Ross) coloring error: Ralph's hair is ginger in the main image, but blond in the inset.

Other than that detail, the work is dead-on.

Anonymous said...

@Bob Greenwade: "I smell a mystery."

Nose begins twitching like a tuning fork.

Anonymous said...

I just had a horrible thought. What if that wasn't the real Sue Dibny who hired Cage? What if were the Golden Age Star Sapphire (trying to get back at Jay Garrick via the rest of the Flash-family)!

Detective Tobor said...

@anon 7:17, didn't Golden Star S. interact with Alan Scott? Why would she make such a switch?

Anonymous said...

@Tobor: nope! She debuted in the 1940's as a Golden Age Flash-foe. It's Carol Ferris (the better-known Star Sapphire) who debuted as a love/hate interest for Silver Age GL Jordan. The former was ret-conned, in some DC limited series, as an androphobic Zamaron who was exiled to some pocket dimension for being a disgrace to the matriarchy. And who ultimately tried to escape that exile by usurping Ferris' corporeal body on Earth!

Carycomic said...

@Anonymous, Tobor, & Ross (oh, my): why don't we all split the difference? Sue hired Luke to help Ralph search for Marc who's trapped on Gemworld* with the Golden Age Star Sapphire. With all of it part of some master plan involving a feud between Houses Moonstone and Sapphire.

*Special guest appearance by Princess Amethyst!

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