Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Black Cat and The Justice League of America


I'd say by breaking in there undetected, she has already proven it.  Will the JLA treat The Black Cat with suspicion, or will they allow her to lead them to the true threat?  The answers are only 60 cents away!


Detective Tobor said...

Will Martian Manhunter read Black Cat's mind correctly, or will she have a way to misdirect him? Say, how would J.J. work with the Shadow?
This is a group that could have anything happen to it. No Superman, Batman or Flash.
And S. Hol isn't there either. How long will it take Diana to get the Lasso of Truth around Ms Hardy? And how did she get there?
Who Let the Cat In?? (Webbing not included!)

Anonymous said...

Black Canary should be able to vouch for her from their brief partnership in the Black Beauties (way back @ STF #299!).

Carycomic said...

@Det. Tobor: Kendra Saunders as the new Hawkgirl is no slouch in the aerobatic department. And, in trying to dodge her and Wonder Woman, she just might wind up in one of GA Junior's net arrows.*

@Anon753: the Cat and the Canary haven't worked together since Feb. 6, 2013? Holy Litter Box, Batman!

*I'm assuming that's Connor Queen to JJ's left.

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: why triple-team her at all? GL Stewart could simply will-power up a net to ensnare her. I mean, not even the Black Cat can react faster than thought!

Bob Greenwade said...

Even before I read your text, Ross, I could imagine Black Canary saying, "Well, you're here. That's proof enough."

@Tobor: The Shadow and the Martian Manhunter? That would be a brilliant team-up, especially since MM's spent some time as the human-presenting John Jones, Private Eye.

As for Diana getting Felicia with the Lasso of Truth, I'd say it might take a while, even with Cary's suggested help from Hawkgirl and Green Arrow. Ms. Hardy's pretty agile, after all. One might even say that it'd be like herding cats. (Mr. Queen might even say exactly that.) But then we'd quickly get to the Anonymous ideas of John Stewart caging her, followed by Black Canary vouching for her.

Just offhand, I'd guess that the more dangerous infiltrator is either Mr. Mind or (Marvel's) Ghost.

@Ross: Speaking of Ghost, I'm still very interested in seeing the heroic one from Dark Horse vs the villainous one from Marvel.

simreeve said...

Let me guess, the real problem is [DC's] Prometheus again...

Anonymous said...

She would make a great addition to that roster…

Carycomic said...

@Simreeve: my money's on the Chameleon.

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: that makes sense. I mean; he's an old foe of Spidey's, so BC might be adversarial with him for that reason, alone. Assuming, of course, that the Ross-verse hasn't gone through a Superior Spider-man Crisis of its own (including a gratuitously misogynistic beat-down of Felicia Hardy)!

That being said; if it is the Chameleon, I'll bet he's disguised himself as the Martian Manhunter, who's already publicly known as a shape-changer.

simreeve said...

to the latest Anonymous_

Okay, that works that definitely works.
Or, of course, J'onn could have been replaced by a Skrull...

Anonymous said...

WW should be able to get her lasso around anyone in a split second since she's as fast as The Flash herself (why does everyone keep forgetting that?). The Black Cat would be the Super Slowpoke in this tale. Next.

Carycomic said...

@Anon933. true. But, she usually took things like that into account by setting up anticipatory booby traps to make it look like she really was a jinx to those trying to arrest her. That is; till one of the Kingpin's pet scientists somehow actually endowed her with "improbability magnetism"!

Anonymous said...

^ Since WW (the last time I read an issue with her) can travel around the speed of light catching Marvel's Black Cat wouldn't be much of an issue for her.

Her & JS would be the fastest ones there.

Carycomic said...

@Anon411: I agree. WW capturing Felicia Hardy wouldn't be impossible. Just a tad difficult.

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: more likely, more than a tad. Just saying!

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