Friday, May 17, 2024

Aquaman and Fin Fang Foom in: "Misery Loves Company!"


Foom is of course referring here to the events that took place in STF #2991 - it looks like whatever cure Aquaman offered was impermanent.  There's no fury like a dragon scorned, so the battle lines have been drawn!


Detective Tobor said...

Fangs for the memory!! Can you loan me a fin?

Carycomic said...

But seriously, folks...

I don't see this as being a one-shot battle. I see it as leading into a battle of super-groups. Agents of the Abyss vs. The D****d! Perhaps even as a result of behind-the-scenes manipulation by the Death-dealer from the (Dead Sea's) Depths!!

Ross said...

The Death dealer of the Dead Sead is not done with his dirty deeds.

Davejonz said...

Just looked up the earlier cover. Clearly there's an on-going thread here so likely a third cover down the road...?
Meanwhile, what's going to happen here? Is Fin going to claim Arthur's hand?
I don't mean in marriage obviously - Mera would be Miffed. No, I fear a return of that ridiculous hook prosthetic Arthur sported a while back.
Great match-up again BTW.

Carycomic said...

@Ross: You can say that again. ;-D

Bob Greenwade said...

Taking Cary's suggestion in another direction, perhaps the Damned can decisively defeat the Death-Dealer of the Dead Sea's Depths, deleting those dirty deeds.

Then, finally, Fin Fang Foom can fly free from his fiendish affliction.

Carycomic said...

As Herman told Grandpa the night Eddie was born: "I've created a Munster!"

Anonymous said...

Fin Fang Foom without pants? Shocking!

Anonymous said...

Thank God for counter-illumination! The trait possessed by some marine vertebrates to blend in with the ambient lighting of their surroundings. In Triple F's case, I have no desire to see him "dragon" his stuff around.

Carycomic said...

@ the last two Anons: maybe that's the curse Fin Fang Foom keeps referring to. In his draconic form, his anatomy is more like that of a Ken doll! Which would naturally enrage most guys.


simreeve said...

Carycomic said...
"@ the last two Anons: maybe that's the curse Fin Fang Foom keeps referring to. In his draconic form, his anatomy is more like that of a Ken doll! Which would naturally enrage most guys."

But if dragons are (despite the extra pair of limbs) as reptilian as typically seems the case then not having external genitalia could be as natural for Fin as it is for the males of some RL reptilian groups anyway...

Carycomic said...

@Simreeve: All the more reason he could be enraged. Mammalian envy!

Anonymous said...

"Mammalian envy!"

Oh, puh-lease!

Carycomic said...

@Anon424: that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Another great looking cover!

Arcadia Jane Berger said...

I was thinking Fin Fang Foom's curse was those damned shorts, but he does seem to be without them this time.
I never had any trouble with his genitalia being internal but . . . those pants, those pants were definitely an issue for me.

Carycomic said...

@Arcadia: in this case, a "lost issue." ;-)

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