Saturday, April 26, 2014

Stargirl and Captain Marvel

Ever since The Death of Captain Marvel, Marvel has wondered what to do with the name of their fallen hero, and it has gone through several characters.  Monica Rambeau, Genis Vell, and others have taken on the title, but nobody ever seemed to hold on to the name for very long.  Finally, Carol Danvers was promoted from Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel, while passing on her moniker to a new young heroine.  This I think is my favorite solution so far, it just feels right.


Anonymous said...

I remember Carol Danvers was trapped in the psyche of Rogue but must have missed the story where she got her personality back. Anyone know when that happened?

AirDave said...

Since Courtney is part of the Starman legacy, I need to track down all the issues of "Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. and her appearances in JSA. I enjoyed the role-reversal in "Sins of Youth"...

Derrick Ferguson said...

If anybody truly deserves the Captain Marvel name/title, it's Carol Danvers.

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