Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Spider-Woman and The Fly


Spiders and flies may not usually work well together, but these two may be an exception.  I do think that their costumes look pretty good side by side.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Unknown Soldier and The Human Torch in: "The Informant and the Automaton!"


The Unknown Soldier was a great concept for a war comic.  There are so many real life heroes from wartime that the general public will never know of.  For me, this fictional soldier's anonymity seemed to pay tribute to all the sacrifices made by those whose deeds will never get the proper credit that they deserve.

These two heroes first met in STF #3404...

Monday, March 10, 2025

Legion of Super-Heroes and ROM in: "The Durlan Wraith!"


Uh-oh, looks like the Dire Wraiths have infiltrated the Legion!  And if that isn't the real Chameleon Boy, then where is he?  Sounds like the makings for and exciting sci-fi mystery!

ROM first met the LSH in STF #1310...

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Power Man & Iron Fist and Ragman


Daredevil: Born Again on Disney+ is off to a strong start, and we know that The Punisher is scheduled to appear in the series.  That gives me hope that other characters from the Netflix series will get another chance.  I'd love to see a Heroes for Hire series that also includes The Daughters of the Dragon.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Sentry and Captain Marvel


While it has been known that he is a part of the movie for a while, he promotional materials for The Thunderbots* have been pretty much keeping The Sentry under wraps.  Will this be another situation where he only shows up for a few minutes in a climactic battle, or does Marvel just not want to give away it's biggest surprises yet?  I guess we will all find out soon enough.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Huntress & Hawkeye (The Animated Series)


For this, the 13th appearance of the Huntress/Hawkeye team, I thought that I would give them the Saturday Morning cartoon treatment.  It looks like the FGG (Foreground Gun Guys) aren't to happy about that!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Eternity 8


This team is a place to give second chances to some heroes that I thought were taken before their prime.  These being comic characters, a couple of them have actually made a return to the land of the living.  I still wince at the memory of reading Katma Tui's death at the hands of Star Sapphire - that one hurt!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Daredevil and Batman in: "Bot Bout!"


Batman has met Matt Murdock more than once on this blog, but it dawned on me that he had yet to cross paths with the original Daredevil.  It was time to remedy that.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Green Arrow Vs. Bullseye in: "One Perfect Shot!"

I'm looking forward to Daredevil: Born Again on Disney+.  I haven't seen any sign of Bullseye in the promotional material, so I don't know if he is expected to show up in this upcoming season.  That would be too bad, they spent so much time building up the character on the Netflix series.

Green Arrow and Bullseye first clashed in STF #2505...

Monday, March 3, 2025

Scarlet Witch and Mr. Mxyzptlk


I've seen Wanda Maximoff put plenty of characters at unease due to the use of her hex powers.  It might be interesting to see the tables turned on her in that regard.  I'd love to see how she reacts to being stuck with Superman's impish adversary.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Captain Marvel Jr. and Bucky in: "Bunker Busters!"

 Freddy Freeman previously met Bucky Barnes in STF #2934, and I thought that I would revisit this pairing.  This time out, they have the despicable Red Skull to contend with.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Plastic Man and Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu


When we last saw Plastic Man on this blog, he was  training Ms. Marvel in STF #4598.  I thought that he might go for a little training himself.  Who better to teach him than the Master of Kung Fu himself.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Steel and Doctor Doom


I always liked the story when Iron Man and Doctor Doom were forced to work together when they were stuck in medieval times.  I thought I would give that concept its own STF spin.  The jury is still out for me as far as Tony Stark becoming Doctor Doom, though - we'll have to see how the movies handle that.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wonder Woman and The Champions


Bees have always creeped me out. I can only imagine how much worse giant mechanical bees would be.  Hopefully this would tunr out to be a buzzworthy issue.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Mars Attacks The Flash


Uh oh!  Is even the fastest man alive swift enough to get out of this predicament?  I'm sure those vile Martians will give him a run for his money!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Squirrel Girl Vs. Catwoman


I lot of times I will pair characters together on this blog because I feel that they would get along and work well together.  This is a case in which the opposite is true.  I imagine that Selina Kyle would have no patience for a squirrel-themed hero.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Justice League of America and Samurai Jack (And More!)


For this Anniversary Issue, I thought that I would present the kind of Saturday morning line-up that would have made my head spin.  With shows line these and some Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch, I would have been all set.  Here are some closer looks at the stories in this issue:

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Iron Man and Captain Marvel (Vs. Black Adam and Radio-Active Man!)


Stories in which heroes swap villains have always appealed to me.  Acts of Vengeance remains one of my favorite Marvel crossovers.  I thought that I would go that route for this cover.  Iron Man and Captain Marvel previously met in STF #4588 and shared an adventure with The Avengers in STF #259 and the Avengers and Marvel Family in STF #1518...

Coming tomorrow: STF #4700!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sandman and James Bond


Big news hit this week as control of the James Bond franchise has been given to Amazon.  What will that mean for the future of Bond movies?  Amazon has made some great content, but also some real clunkers, so who knows? I just hope this doesn't lead to a James Bond Cinematic universe.  I like Miss Moneypenny and Q, but I don't need to see them get their own spinoffs.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Underdog and Snoopy


Here's another World's Finest inspired pairing, this time with some canine heroes taking the spotlight.  I think these two would get along famously.  Thanks to Simreeve for suggesting this team up!

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