Thursday, March 13, 2025

Aquaman and Ms. Marvel


Now that Jason Mamoa is officially the Lobo of the DCU, I wonder what that means for Aquaman.  I am assuming it will be some time before we see him in live action, but when we do, what direction will the James Gunn-led universe take?  Will we get something closer to the classic comics version?


Detective Tobor said...

this is a different combo. I assume that is not Topo. Surprised to see Danvers taken by such shock. Interesting premise involved. Would Arthur have any problems calling her Captain Marvel?? Enquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

@Det. Tobor: this is probably Carol Danvers after she first became Ms. Marvel. And, given that this is the Ross-verse, this is probably even before she learned she had a Kryptonian for a foster sister!

@Ross: in answer to your question? We can only hope! In answer to Aquaman's question; maybe the Kree have got wind of an alliance between the Skrulls and the Deviants of Lemuria. A deal brokered by the villainously verdant Llyra!

Anonymous said...

Depicting that on the cover of a simulated sequel would certainly provide a good basis for her finally debuting here (if for no other reason).

Carycomic said...

Nah! Llyra's too much of a Sub-mariner foe. The Skrulls would more likely make a deal with one of Aquaman's enemies. Like Black Manta or the Ocean Master.

Glenn said...

Maybe the Kree have undersea base because they got information that some Skrulls replaced some Atlantians.

Anonymous said...

That's an even better idea! With Triton, the Inhuman ambassador to Atlantis, probably being the first Skrull infiltrator in disguise!!

Glenn? You're a genius. :-)

Carycomic said...

Speaking of deals: how about Cthulhu vs. the Death-dealer from the Depths? Talk about a clash of Titans!

Carycomic said...

With the Totalitarians and the Agents of the Abyss caught in the middle, of course.

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