Thursday, November 28, 2024

Iron Man Vs. Brainiac


I am thankful today for all of the visitors to this blog who have sent feedback, comments and suggestions, and I hope that all are having a wonderful day today.  

This is another match up that has been long overdue on this blog.  The intellect of Tony Stark up against the AI evil of Brainiac seems like a natural. Let's hope his run-ins with Ultron have taught the Armored  Avenger a few tricks to use here.


Anonymous said...

And I am thankful that you still can find so many suitable images on the Internet for such seamless mixing and matching here.* Let us just hope that Tony's brilliance can make mincemeat out of this technological turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving, Ross! :-)

*I'm the first to admit that I suck at cutting-and pasting.

Anonymous said...

Great match-up. Certainly make for an interesting altercation. Hey, how about a Starfire vs Songbird battle? Thanks and happy thanksgiving…

Bob Greenwade said...

Happy [American] Thanksgiving to all!

I can imagine Tony pulling up a sneaky, very human trick to get the better of Brainiac, proving that his humanity is his greatest strength. It could even be part of a strong character arc, getting him in touch with the fact that his humanity -- not his intellect, his money, or his business acumen -- that's his true strength.

Ken Roskos said...

Right on Bob Greenwade! I'm giving thanks to be with friends and family again soon, not to mention seeing Ross' amazing match-ups with heroes and villains from different sides of the copyright fence. This is a very propitious cover combo since the reports I'm reading about AI development are pretty... well, um - anyway, Cheers folks!

simon said...

Tony introduces the concept of bourbon to the mechanical world stealer…
hic, burp, collapse…

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, Ultron and Steel will come to help their side. It would be metal!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, Ultron and Steel will come to help their side. It would be metal!

Anonymous said...

A surprising E.M.P. by Tony creates a situation Brainy has already planned for.
Tony has to think outside the neighborhood, not the box.

Detective Tobor said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Ross & audience. A intellectual drink for Brainiac could be a novelty he might want to try. An EMP might be old hat to Brainiac with all the civilizations he has stolen & studied. Brainiac is alien tech..maybe Tony would want to study him!! Get him to make a deal? maybe. Maybe Tony can suggest something that Brainiac has never encountered. That could be something!!

Anonymous said...

Here is TV personality H.H.HORSEFEATHERS. That's TEEPEE personality, H.H. HORSEFEATHERS! Keep your wigwam warm and all the corn you can pass.
The Brain looks so different than the old days doesn't he Pinky? enjoy anyway,
turkeyfeathers was here and theyre first relations. Don't forget the house of brainiac needs a moat around it.

Anonymous said...

This was Carycomic, by the way.

Carycomic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carycomic said...

Maybe if Tony were to have Adam Strange contact his brother Stephen who would then contact Deadman who could then take over Cy-Gor....

Carycomic said...

Or, perhaps, Stephen could teleport Tony's distant ancestor, Arya Stark, into the present day to disassemble Brainiac at sword point.

Carycomic said...

In fact, maybe Arya Stark could even meet Conan the Barbarian!

Scott said...

Before COIE I did not read Superman or Action Comics. I read the 2 part where he met the Omega Men and the storyline where Superman was split into 2 people and each had half of his powers. The second half was a prisoner of Lord Satanus. The only other Superman and Action Comics I read was when Brainiac showed up after his transformation into what became my favorite version-this one.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Deja vu.

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