Thursday, October 3, 2024

Galactus Vs. The Authority


Next year we will be seeing Galactus and The Authority in the big screen.  Well, Only the Engineer is slated to show up in Superman, but I am sure that seed will be planted for the entire Authority team, as they have an upcoming announced movie of their own.  Galactus as a concept has been seen in the movies before, but Fantastic Four: First Steps will at last bring the character to live action.  Let's hope everyone is done justice.


simon said...

Bigger than most stories, The Authority was extremely clever,
but they probably didn’t recon on Dealing with the godlike Galactus
interesting !

Detective Tobor said...

They don't mind killing...but would they be able to? Heavy concept, Ross!

Carycomic said...

I can just imagine the word balloon that would go along with Galactus' gesture: "The Inferior Five could not stand against me! What hope do you think you have?"

Carycomic said...

See STF #2612 @ June 8, 2019.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Galactus will ever face off against the Death-dealer From The Depths?

Scott said...

I don't know in Ellis final arc he had the Authority kill god so Galactus would seem same in nature to them.

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