Friday, October 4, 2024

Quicksilver Vs. The Rogues


Pietro Maximoff has a decidedly different personality than Barry Allen or Wally West.  It would be interesting to watch the interaction between him and the Flash Rogues.  There seems to be at least some respect between them and their usual speedsters, and I's like to see them go a few rounds with the ill-tempered mutant.


Anonymous said...

Great cover! I wish I could read this story; the Rogues might not see him coming. Love your blog, your posts are a highlight of my day!

Ross said...


Davejonz said...

I have a sneaking feeling that the Rogues are planning on recruiting him...

Anonymous said...

Take my money now please!

Carycomic said...

A tad overcrowded. But, aside from the obvious (aka most frequently fought) Rogues, I can make out the Trickster, the Golden Glider (whose outfit, here, makes her look more like a color-swapped Nightshade) and Abra Kadabra of the 64th century. I just can't make out the two hiding behind him, though.

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