Monday, September 16, 2024

Sub-Mariner, Stingray & Namorita meet The Teen Titans


Namorita joined the Teen Titans back in STF #1714, and the team previously crossed paths with her and her cousin, The Sub-Mariner and back in STF #2648.  I figured that the third part in this ongoing saga should involve a third sea-faring guest star, and that was an opportunity to use the always cool Stingray.


Carycomic said...

And based on that serrated jawline resembling a cookie-cutter shark, I'll bet that mechanical sea serpent and those mercenary frogmen belong to Pete Mortimer alias...The Scavenger!

Carycomic said...

Well, either him or the Marine Marauder.

Anonymous said...

Nice team-up. I’ve always loved Stingray!!

simon said...

i instantly thought of Blackhawk’s Enemy Killer Shark,
I do hope they have nice fluffy Towels to Dry off after this Adventure…
Is Namorita still alive in the comics ? - just asking…

Detective Tobor said...

Too bad you couldn't include the Sea Devils on this Scavenger hunt!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you a fin that Ross can salvage some kind of plot device for Namor to meet them.

Detective Tobor said...

@Anon, would that cover a gill-ded cage?

Anonymous said...

We'll have to wait and "sea."

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