Monday, September 2, 2024

Mister Miracle and Tron


Scott Free is the world's greatest escape artist - but would he be able to find his way out of the digital world?  It would be a challenge even for him, and one that I would certainly enjoy reading about.


Anonymous said...

He'd not only be able to escape from it. He'd probably even make a movie out of it! Perhaps with the help of the same production company that recently released "Alien: Romulus."


Carycomic said...

The question is: how did Scott Free even wind up on The Grid in the first place? My first guess would be some kind of reverse-engineering by Desaad of Encom's bio-digitizing laser.

Bob Greenwade said...

For a real escape story, try teaming Scott with "Snake" Plisskin.

Anonymous said...

Great team-up idea. I never would've thought of this one in a 100 years. Adding other big time escape artists like Batman would've even made for a sweeter cover.

Anonymous said...

Or, failing that, Snake Plisskin meets Commander Stronghold?

Ross said...

Bob, Scott Free met Snake Plissken back in 2016:

Davejonz said...

No problem here for Mr M. But maybe he's got more to worry about. Barda is not on the cover - maybe she's trapped in the game?

Bob Greenwade said...

Ah, I'd naturally forgotten about that one (I don't know why it didn't occur to me to look it up).

Carycomic said...

She could even be the next-to-final boss!

Detective Tobor said...

Those boom tubes really do go everywhere! Hope Scott put in that other quarter for the extra life.

Anonymous said...

I just had a horrible thought. Big Barda falling for Wreck-It Ralph!

Detective Tobor said...

Worse.... Big Barda falling for Roger Rabbit in a game.

Carycomic said...

@Anon1127 and Tobor: If the feeling proved mutual, then I pity both of them when Jessica Rabbit gets through with them!

Carycomic said...

As a matter of fact, that could be the concept of a sequel cover. Roger and Big Barda vs. Jessica Rabbit (new leader of the Female Furies)!

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