Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Green Lantern and Ahsoka


I'm not sure when we will see Ahsoka in live action again.  I thought that her Disney+ series was planned for more than one season, but have not heard about production starting back up.  The Mandalorian and Grogu movie has reportedly begun moving forward, however.  Perhaps she will show up there.


Anonymous said...

Makes no difference to me. I don't stream.

Carycomic said...

Excellent casting, Ross! :-)

I just hope Arisia doesn't get jealous.

Carycomic said...

Sadly, Ross, it looks like most of your usual contributors have taken Labor Day weekend off early. :-(

simon said...

no idea who the Lady is - i presume it’s from one of the streaming channels…

Bob Greenwade said...

My information is the same as yours, Ross, though I also do recognize that the production machine at Disney has slowed down for both Star Wars and Marvel content. Dave Feloni has been "developing" season 2, though I imagine that Ray Stevenson's passing has led to some awkward plot juggling.

@Simon: Ahsoka Tano was introduced in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars as a Padawan for Anakin. She was disliked at first, but quickly grew into a fan-favorite character, and also appeared in Star Wars: Rebels before getting her first live-action appearance on the second season of The Mandalorian.

Detective Tobor said...

not being a S W fan since the 1,2,& 3 movies came out, i can only say
"FIRE at Will!". Hal isn't what he used to be. sigh.

Carycomic said...

Then shouldn't you be shouting "Fire at Hal!"? Will's been dodging gunfire for over sixty years, already.

Anonymous said...

Cover of the month!

Carycomic said...
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Carycomic said...

She's Ahsoka of the Togruta (same as Jedi Master Shaak Ti).

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