Friday, August 16, 2024

Peacemaker and War Machine


This is another cover suggested by Marc Tyler Nobleman, comics historian and Patron of this Blog.  I realized I hadn't used Peacemaker at all on a cover yet, and War Machine seemed like a perfect partner to make for an interesting story.  Thanks, Marc!


Anonymous said...

Holy Tolstoy, Batman!

Anonymous said...

Peacemaker looks really determined. Almost grim! I wonder what kind of mission would make him literally grit his teeth like? Something super-urgent, no doubt. But what? The worst possibility I can think of; a possible wedding between Venom and Dreadface!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Carnage or Venom vs. Deadpool.

Anonymous said...

Nice cover. I’d buy it.

Bob Greenwade said...

Don Cheadle and John Cena would be proud!

Anonymous said...

Or, failing that, Merlyn the Archer vs. The Punisher!

Ben W said...

You really never used Peacemaker until today, and I've somehow not noticed all this time? Incredible!

Now to look forward to season two of the show starring John Cena!

Detective Tobor said...

PeaceMaker seems to be saying; Read my mind, I DARE you!!

Carycomic said...

The same kind of look Darth Maul had...before he fried the brain of an Iktochi telepath working for Black Sun.

Anonymous said...

Another great cover. I'll add it to my list of top 10 for the year.

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