Monday, August 5, 2024

Firestorm and Ant-Man


Firestorm is used to working with science based partners, so I think that this would be a natural and fun team-up. Plus, I think that they just look cool together! 


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Hank Pym and Martin Stein getting fused? That would make the resulting amalgam...Hankenstein!

Carycomic said...

@Anon741: seriously???

@Ross: It'd be an intriguing team-up, I'll give you that. It makes me wonder what would bring these two together in the first place. Collusion between Multiplex and Dr. Nemesis, perhaps?

Davejonz said...

You are really on a roll right now!

(Or is that "on a role..."?)

Anonymous said...

@Carycomic: I know you're referring to the Marvel super-villain (nee Michael Stockton) who debuted in 1972. But, fyi? There's also a villain from the Dr. Who comics by that alias. And there's also the Golden Age superhero who became the traitorous Dr. Death of Marvel's Battle Axis!

Bob Greenwade said...

Nicely done, Ross!

Any chance of us ever getting a Paul Rudd/Brandon Routh photo cover? (Ant-Man/Atom)

Detective Tobor said...

Beautiful cover, very thought provoking as it is.
Suppose you merged someone with superpowers like Captain Marvel with Firestorm?

Anonymous said...

Linda Danvers would an older sister with a fiery temper?

Carycomic said...

Oops! Almost forgot. 3 DAYS LEFT TILL STF #4500! :-)

Detective Tobor said...

Firestorm & Aunt May!??
(Come what May?)

Anonymous said...

How about Atari Force meets Strikeforce Morituri?

C.C. said...

A powerful cover with powerful images of each hero. A top 10 winner for the year. Maybe there should be a vote on that on Jan. 1st 2025 for the best 10 of the year by the fans.

Anonymous said...

It's definitely of such modern illustrative luminaries as Alex Ross.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Ross. That should've read "...worthy of such..." It must be a slight glitch in this new anti-robot color coding.

Anonymous said...

But, of course, I'm not a robot. I'm Carycomic! :-)

Glenn said...

Hank Pym Antman and Firestorm version with Martin Stein would be a very smart combination. Ronnie Raymond and Scott Lang not so smart.

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