When most of the superheroes are caught up in some type of Secret Crisis across the galaxy, who's left to mind the home front? I think that this issue could tell one of those stories.
When most of the superheroes are caught up in some type of Secret Crisis across the galaxy, who's left to mind the home front? I think that this issue could tell one of those stories.
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Hot on the heels of the Yellow kid comes the Ragman and the Duck. Give Howard a ring and everything will be ducky.
Something tells me that would be compounding the mistake. How do we know that the Guardians of Oa, giving TYK a power ring, didn't _result_ in that very crisis?*
I can just imagine Dr. Doom being the leader of the super-villains exploiting this sudden shortage. If if only because, for a second or two, that's exactly who I thought Howard was confronting! Must be the green hood.
*Like the toga said: "Beware My Power."
Almost to #4300... and if the next two are equally low-powered, we'll be all the more expecting that Spectacular to be truly spectacular!
Including a back-up story that features Venom vs. Green Arrow?
I love this idea...you could have a repeating series of "who's left when everyone else is gone fighting the latest big thing"!
@Reg Aubry & Anon1225: I'd B-4 both those ideas! :-)
well as long as Beverly is along for the ride, it’s going to be interesting…
There's an idea, Carycomic, the Green Hood circle. With Ragman, Dr Doom, & the Spectre
(& maybe Green Arrow) you could have all kinds of situations.
With these two,quack fu may not help that much. Two-Face meeting them could say "I'm going from Rags to Feathers. I'll settle my " bill" now.
And Jordan has said more than once....Be...Where is my power??
I'm down with this! A great plot is hatching here. Don't miss our next episode: Dr. Who Framed Roger Rabbit!
HE did it!! He was a lone ranger when he started but when they ended, they were The Champions! They had to give them 1st place with a laurel and hardy handshake. Then they even gave them a Borough named Milton. They called and Jessica drew up the travel papers. The a-rest was his-story!
The rest will follow "Iron Chefs on Cut Throat Kitchen" on most of these stations.
And if your station doesn't have it, change stations.
Dude. Maybe you should assume the pseudonym of "Decaf Tobor."
Howard has never looked so good. Butt is he just sitting on snow? Natural oils keeping him warm and dry? At times it's nice to be an alien. Ragman does seem to keep winding up with short straws ever since Arrow. Poor guy.
@Anon 5:29, De caf is in de barn with decal.
@Tobor: delightful!
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