Thursday, September 28, 2023

Snake Eyes and Sgt. Rock


If there's one soldier outside of their unit that the G.I. Joe team would call in, it has to be Frank Rock.  I'd certainly be interested in a tale of how these army men from different eras would have to work together.


Jack_Acid said...

I feel like Rock is better soldier than Snake Eyes. I mean i know in a head to head fight Snake Eyes would win nine times out of ten, but that one time would be Rock pulling the pin on one of those grenades stupidly strapped to Snake's chest and blowing them both up.

Detective Tobor said...

The real question is Will A.I. replace Ross? He's not in a union.

Carycomic said...

Your title certainly tells it all, Ross. I remember a three-part story in the original MTU where Kang and Tomorrow Man had a turf war involving "time bombs." That is; plot devices that would alter both history and reality with their "explosive" energy.

So Snake Eyes winding up in WWII, or Sgt. Rock winding up in the modern era, is not that implausible in any kind of time warfare story!

Carycomic said...

@Det. Tobor: sounds like a job for Robo Force.

ShadowWing Tronix said...

Probably involves Cobra messing with time travel. It wouldn't be the first time.

Alec Semicognito said...

Easy Company nicknames would fit in well at Joe HQ.

me said...

Perhaps you can use some Billy Tucci work. I know he did some Sgt. Rock and SHI work.

Anonymous said...

How about some Stanley Tucci work? Easy Company meets the Kingsmen!

Carycomic said...

That cover-sim, alone, would be worth sixty cents! :-)

Anonymous said...

Or for something more unusual, Sgt. Rock and Kermit the Frog. Easy/Being Green.

Ross said...

I already used that title when Sgt. Rock met The Hulk.

Anonymous said...

OK, then. How about Sgt. Rock and Kermit meet Beta Ray Bill in "Throg Eggs Over Easy" (guest-starring the xenomorphs from ALIENS)?

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