Saturday, July 28, 2018

Man-Bat Vs. The Green Goblin

There's no character I want to show up in a future Batman movie than Man-Bat.  Special effects are finally at a place where he can truly be depicted accurately, and his back story and fact that he can be an ally or adversary to the Dark Knight make him perfect for a big screen treatment.   The Green Goblin was very well played by Willem Dafoe, but I wouldn't mind Marvel Studios bringing the villain back, if only to see if a more comics accurate appearance could be achieved.


Carycomic said...

I know what you mean, Ross. Much as I prefer the Tobey Maguire version of Spider-man, the armored version of GG looked more like a Power Rangers villain!

Glenn said...

Yes the more advanced movie technology the more they get away from comics. Christopher Reeve's Superman was almost perfect and I still do not like the scale mail version of Superman currently in movie. The only recent advancement was the Captain America costume where he said "I have a few ideas on the uniform". said...

public domains lash lightning and lightning girl meet dcs lightning lad /lass or static shock also unknown soldier dc meets public domains unknown soldier

The Answer Man said...

Man-Bat will be on Gotham next season. He appeared briefly in the last episode this year.

Wolfhammer said...

Maybe it's time for MR. MONSTER to track down MAN-BAT.

Carycomic said...

@Wolfhammer: would you settle for a mistaken identity slugfest between Mr. Monster and Hellboy?

Wolfhammer said...

@Cary Comic: That could be very interesting.

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