Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hawkeye Vs. The Shadow Thief


I am always happy to use The Shadow Thief on a cover.  His villainous intangibility gimmick is beautiful in its simplicity, and always makes for an awesome visual.  It would be cool to see Clint Barton try to figure out a way to counter those abilities.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Usagi Yojimbo and Black Panther


The title says it all - this is a tale that I think would make for a visual feast.  I can imagine lots of crowded battle scenes and action against a backdrop of scenic vistas and ancient villages.  Reading a comic like that would not be a bad way to spend a rainy afternoon 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Geo-Force and The Hulk

The Hulk has had worse offer over the years.  I say go for it.  But what interest would Prince Brion's homeland have with Bruce Banner?  There might be an interesting story to unravel here.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Captain America and Steel

Happy Fourth of July to all of the American visitors to this blog!  I will be spending the holiday with some of my family and friends and my beautiful girlfriend by the water, and I hope that everyone else has similar plans to spend time with family and loved ones.

This is a cover that required some prep work involving background clean up, repair and extension.  Here's a look behind the scenes: 


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Darkseid Vs. The Inhumans


I was a little surprised that I had not pitted these Kirby creations against each other yet.  Let's remedy that right now - it would make for an epic storyline after all!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Deathlok and The Atom


With multiple attempts to re-start the Terminator franchise being less than successful, maybe it's time for Deathlok to hit the big screen.  He's a time traveling heroic cyborg himself, so maybe he could scratch that cinematic itch for fans.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Bulletman and The Human Torch


When I was a kid I thought that Bulletman had a much higher profile than he actually did.  I mean, he had his own action figure after all!  Alas, I only got to see him in action in a few Shazam-related guest appearances over the years.  I still thought he was pretty cool, though, and always got a kick out it when he would indeed show up in a story.