Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jack O'Lantern and Union Jack


Two full-masked heroes from across the pond, both named Jack?  I'm surprised it took me so long to get them together.  Neither of them have made all that many appearances over the years, but I have always enjoyed when they have been featured.


  1. Wow! I'm the first commenter on a cover posting. That hasn't happened in ages(& here I was heading to bed). I just mentioned DC's Jack o' Lantern yesterday with your Prowler vs GA cover. I did a double take upon seeing him on here. What a world. Maybe he could team up with the UK heroine Spitfire against some Brother of Evil/ Evil Mutants European foes like Destiny 2 & Warp, Plasmus, Twister or Phobia somewhere down the line.

  2. I love the title! :-)

    Nuff said.

  3. How about Moe of the Three Stooges and Fred Flintstone; those two character have similar personalities.

  4. How about the Joker and DD foe the Jester vs. Steve Ditko's Killjoy?

  5. With a motorcycle leap like that, Union Jack should someday meet Black Hood of the Mighty Crusaders (from Archie Comics Silver Age imprint, Radio Comics).

  6. Which Jack is the best hero? The only way to determine that is to have a good old fashioned Jack off!

    1. And the winner is: Jack of Kingdom hearts (guest-starring Mickey Mouse)!

  7. Well, this cover certainly is Jacked. #BadPunNoCookie

    What if these guys were joined by Jack of Hearts and Jack-in-the-Box? If the (Tangent Universe) Joker is wild, then that's enough to beat the Royal Flush Gang.

    @Anon@11:40: Surrender all your cookies.

  8. Great cover. I always thought Jack 'O Lantern would have been a perfect fit as a member of The Justice Society.

  9. Comment Deleted could not haveJuly 25, 2024 at 5:03 PM

    If you people are done playing with your Jacks,lets hit the deck.Ross,are you familiar with WILD CARDS?MARVEL had them for a while so have other companies.Jacks are better but they don't beat ACES.

  10. Unless, of course, they get a hand from Deadman (via the Joker).

  11. Holy Flap Jacks!You couldn't have planted a better cover for them to dive into! They don't have to be the new Bat & Cap,but which Union is Jack involved with?

  12. @Det. Tobor: it's the official term for the national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The current incarnation of which dates back to 1801 (adding the emblematic cross of St. Patrick to those of English St. George, scottish St. Andrew, and Welsh St. David).
