Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Roger Rabbit and Rocket Raccoon


Rocket stuck in a town filled with funny talking animals?  That sounds like a natural situation and one that could lead to plenty of action an laughs.  This is a tale definitely worth telling.


  1. "A Tail of two Tales" ?? Sold. 4 R's were always taught in school...reading, righting, Rithmatic, & remembering! Too bad i was always at recess!!
    Roger with a Rocket? (He will you know.) Right before the mane feature! Yep.

  2. Roger vs Eclipso? Oh yeah!! Do it before the contract ink dries, P-LLLEEASE????

  3. How about Rocket Raccoon meets the Beatles.

  4. I applaud you for being able to resist the temptation to entitle it

    "R. R. Crossing!"

  5. @Anon844: Lol!

    @Ross: hilarious concept. :-)

    I can't wait to see what you have planned for STF #4500 two weeks from now.

  6. STF #4500 will have Golden Age goodness to spare.

  7. Well I was hoping for Rocket and Bucky O'Hare - but ok .....

  8. H H Horsefeathers sleep dancingJuly 24, 2024 at 6:38 PM

    Got my rabbit ears up. Tommy gun can you hear me? If those bullets aren't filled with ink erasers Rocket is going to learn the language of Miss Fire. Besides how can you scare someone who carries his own set of rabbit's feet? Is there any thing that Toontown hasn't seen?

  9. H H HORSEFEATHERS floatingJuly 24, 2024 at 6:39 PM

    Is Rocket and Bullwinkle soon?

  10. @Horse Feathers: Zatanna pulling Roger out of a hat?

  11. Comment Deleted could not haveJuly 25, 2024 at 5:17 PM

    Furry funny even with whiskers.Maybe Harley can meet up with Jessica sometime or Jessica can meet Power Girl or Wonder Woman and you can do the cover in 4D.
