Friday, July 26, 2024

Fantastic Four and Red Tornado & Elongated Man


Elongated Man and Red Tornado were two members of the JLA that were never granted their own solo ongoing series, but that only made me seek out comics in which they did appear even more.  I would have loved to have seen them on the forefront of a great team up battle like the one on this cover.

Elongated Man previously faced off against Galactus in STF #1581...


  1. so sad that i can’t read this one,
    would Reed make upgrades for the Red Tornado,
    and it would be the Elongated man who solves the mystery / problem…

  2. Which stretchy guy is married to Sue?

  3. Whoa!!! The Construct finally makes his Ross-verse debut? I am duly (but pleasantly) surprised/impressed.

    And, as I honestly can't remember Torgo being depicted here, previously, I think he's also a first-timer. Too bad he's working with the Bad Guys! He's either being mind-controlled by the Construct. Or he's serving as a herald of Galactus to protect his robotic race's home world from terminal power loss.*

    *What I've come to call "pulling a Norrin Radd."

  4. #my namesake @5:46: both wives are named Sue (you sly gremlin, you).

  5. Wow… nice cover. Great job! Not sure if you’ve ever done this pairing, but how about Dr.Stange vs Spawn???

  6. It's not a pairing I'd have thought of, but I love the fantastic four and red tornado (elongated man isn't bad either, but i may prefer the ff and red tornado), so this is something i'd gladly read.

  7. I think Ralph did do a "stretch" as the back feature in Detective Comics.

  8. If DC were to make a duo series with them in the mold of Green Lantern/Green Arrow or World's Finest, I think it'd sell. Heck, if the PTB at DC (except for James Gunn) weren't a bunch of dipsticks, I'd probably buy it myself.

  9. Dear Ross: with the Summer Olympics starting this weekend, will you be doing any covers utilizing Hanna-Barbera's Laff-a-lympians? Or even Mr. T's animated gymnastics team (the ones I privately call "The T-birds")?

  10. @Anon546 Holy moley, how did I never notice that before!?

    Also, can someone fill me in on Torgo and the Construct? I've never heard of those two.

  11. New team up idea I have to share: the golden age red tornado and the golden age vision. I realize that one is an old woman with a sauce pot for a helmet and the other is some sort of alien who can turn into mist, but i think that only makes this possible team up all the more interesting and fun.

  12. Since the 'Scarlet winds' had a mini series for a bit,at least he had a family affair. to expand with. Ralph became a play thing for screwing his life around.
    Would the Construct work with Galactus if the Earth was to be drained of materials that the Construct would need in the future?

  13. What if Mr. Fantastic, Elongated Man, Plastic Man and Elastic Lad formed a singing group and called themselves The Rubber Band?

  14. @ano5:33, if you check #934 (marked down from #2130), you'll see Reed, Ralph, & Mr Gum
    have stretched out on their own already. Later, they intertwined with ElastiGirl. They haven't Jimmy'd anyone...yet.

  15. @Ben W: Torgo was the robotic ruler of the planet Mekka. The first of his race, built by organic aliens later wiped out by a spore-based viral pandemic. He was briefly abducted by Skrulls from the colony world of Kraal (who imitated Prohibition-era gangsters for some reason) for gladitorial-style games. But, Ben Grimm and the rest of the Fantastic Four eventually liberated him and the other unwilling combatants. All this occurring in a story arc that began with FF v.1/#91 (Oct. 1969)

    Eight years later, however, the Construct debuted in JLA v.1/#142 (May 1977). An amalgam of all the electromagnetic telecommunication transmissions milling about our upper atmosphere, it somehow gained sentience...and set about trying to kill a green-skinned super woman named Willow.*

    *Actually, a thinly-disguised version of Marvel's Mantis.

  16. @Anon1227: I guess you can interpret his silence as "Unfortunately, no".

  17. Cary, the answer to every team up request is always “maybe, if I can find usable images “

  18. I kind of figured that. ;-)

    Just wanted to see if you were still on overwatch.*

    *I got that from Paramount/Showtime's HALO series. Speaking of which; do you have any usable images of Master Chief in the near-future?

  19. Your use of the Construct here got me thinking of what baddie from another company would get together his version of the Injustice Gang? I could see the Iron Maiden, the Puppet Master or maybe the Kingpin getting them back together against another super powered team.

  20. I could also see Uglor getting them together to face the Teen Force.

  21. I'd love to see FemForce (mind-controlled by a Space Phantom disguised as Starfox) vs. the League of Champions. Or, failing that, Flare and E-man trying to separate his sister Vampfire from her sister Sparkplug!
