Saturday, July 13, 2024

Captain America and Star Trek


The crew of the Enterprise have interacted with notable figures from history on multiple occasions.  Why not summon a living legend like Steve Rogers?  This would make for an interesting tale, I think.  Make sure you come back here tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!


  1. As the late, great Arte Johnson might've said: "Verrrry interestink!"

    Are the Nazis of Ikos at it, again?

  2. Perhaps under the guidance of the "Red Skrull"?


  3. Someone's needed on Nazi planet!!

  4. Ah yes, the Avengers have had their many trips across the galaxy since the Kree/Skrull war. Now the ravages of the Infinity War threaten Kirk's universe, so Starfleet has been sent to find the source.

  5. The source is...THE SOURCE! Or, rather, the two who penetrated it, yesterday.

  6. Nurse Chapel will say "You are needed on the bridge, Captain." And both Kirk and Rogers will respond.

  7. @Anon959: now that's a reunion I'd be glad to see. Norrin Radd and Jim Kirk! They haven't worked together since STF #1659 (back in Oct. 2016)!! So, they're long overdue for a sequel.

  8. I don't think that Vulcan nerve pinch is going to work very well on Cap!

  9. Here's a thought: What if Mojo decided to get a piece of the action on Sigma Iotia II?

  10. the Good Captains political outlook would be even more outdated,
    so unless the Enemy is Very socialist or Klingon plus… i doubt that he will be of much value to the Federation.

  11. @Bob Greenwade: believe it or not, that was the basis for a Star Trek:TOS crossover on! The 1966 Green Horner and Kato get UFO-napped (presumably by the Briori) only to be found in cryogenic stasis, three hundred years later, by the Enterprise. Naturally, the two of them felt out-of-place and useless in the 23rd century! But, upon learning that one of the Iotian mobs was colluding with blue-skinned Klingon tommygun-runners, Britt Reid and his steadfast ally found renewed purpose. There was also a subplot involving anti-Federation separatists from Earth. But, that was nowhere near as interesting as the cross-culture shock so realistically depicted by the author.

    It's a shame that seems to have gotten repossessed by the original owners. Otherwise, I'd look up the original title for you.

  12. Cary: It sounds like a great story, though not quite the same thing as Mojo stirring up and broadcasting the Iotian goings-on.

  13. Maybe. But, only if Harry Mudd was his middleman. What video gamers might call the boss in front of the final boss! Requiring Kirk to team up with someone equally anti-heroic. Like, say, Deadpool?

  14. @Simon: maybe they need his help against a Badoon/Gorn alliance.

  15. Since Tomorrow is Yesterday is a favorite, i just wish that the tv version of the Enterprise had been used rather than the movie reboot version. Still not bad though.
    Being a legend, a traveler in time(especially in ice), on alien worlds, having been killed, and 'rebuilt' in the forties, Steve might be an expert on a number of things that the crew would want opinions on.

  16. Cary: Never give up on the internet! Never surrender!

    Click the "View" links to see what's on each zip file.

  17. @Reg Aubry: thanks for trying. But, it didn't help. :-(

  18. Maybe a battle between the Badoon and the Judoon? On the moon?

    Maybe as a cartoon, next June?

    (A buffoon baboon playing bassoon is entirely optional.)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Unless, of course, they're all disintegrated by Rocket Raccoon.

