Saturday, July 20, 2024

Groo The Wanderer and The Supreme Intelligence


I felt like going for a truly oddball pairing this time around, and this would be a true meeting of opposites.  It could make for quite an amusing tale, though! 


  1. A pairing idea i have isn't as weird as this, but it is pretty obscure: Etta Candy and Volstagg. I think it's funny that Wonder Woman and Thor both had overweight supporting characters. And both of them weren't just jokes! Etta Candy and Volstagg may have been comic relief, but they did stuff! They were heroic too! I don't know if I'm explaining myself well, but I want to see these two together.

  2. At last! The Supreme intelligence meets his direct opposite!

  3. Bwa-hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


  4. "Only your mind is empty enough..." actually had me laughing. Dumb Bunny might be a suitable second place to Groo, though, and we haven't seen the Inferior Five for a good while.

  5. ok - I saw this and Giggled !
    will the fact Groo learnt to read ( issue 100 ) mess this up ,
    an awful lot of Mulch in the making…
    and would the Minstrel & Cacofonix ( from Asterix ) make an appearance….

  6. BTW, how about the Three Stooges meet Fred &Barney (The Flintsones); those two comedy teams are kind of similar.

  7. BTW, how about the Three Stooges and Fred & Barney (The Flintstones); those two teams are kind of similar.

  8. A masterpiece, Ross. Pure and simple as that.

    Bless you! :-)

  9. This cover inspired: The Wanderer, The Watcher, and me (your choice).

    Some months have quiet stories. Some have character development. Some have a left turn at Albuquerque. Never expect a left turn....

  10. @Tobor: What one really will never expect is the Spanish Inquisition!

  11. H.H.Horsefeathers blew overJuly 22, 2024 at 5:59 PM

    @Greenwade: Especially at the South Pole. They are poles apart.
    The S.I. looks like the Blob with a bad wig style.
