Friday, July 5, 2024

Geo-Force and The Hulk

The Hulk has had worse offer over the years.  I say go for it.  But what interest would Prince Brion's homeland have with Bruce Banner?  There might be an interesting story to unravel here.


  1. gaining a known scientific genius at the risk of having the Hulk on your doorstep,
    no One ever said Prince Brion was a political or Military expert, but long term this is a disaster being ready made…
    then again Having the Hulk as your country’s defence…. who except Doctor Doom would risk it…

  2. I read some old Man-Thing comics recently. I stopped because it was getting too dark for me, but it gave me a team up idea.

    Man-Thing hates fear, right? So, it'd be cool to see him fight Scarecrow. The monster who hates fear vs the master of fear! It'd be a cool matchup!

  3. how about Man-Thing vs the Psycho Pirate??

    Wanting Banners -- good
    thinking Banner can be controlled -- he wouldn't be that dumb would he? not after everything he himself has gone thru. To add Hulk to the Outsiders? maybe.
    Anything else, I'm taking the fifth!!

  4. @don't worry Garycomic, this space is reserved for you from 7am.

  5. In that case; maybe Ross could a sequel where Bruce Banner becomes romantically involved with the real Dr. Helga Jace.---Cary

  6. I think the STFU's Markovia shares a border with Latveria, doesn't it? Give Hulk freedom to wander the border between the two, providing security. If Hulk's agreeable to that (I'd call it 50/50), Brion can just throw in a lab for Banner in that region for good measure, and there's a comfortable expatriate situation for a while.

  7. I mean, there has to be some parallel universe where she was a flesh-and-blood woman and NOT a Manhunter gynoid. So, why not the Ross-verse?

  8. Failing that, I'd be willing to settle for a sequel to Omega the Unknown meets the Omega Men.

    "The sequel to end all sequels!" :-)

  9. Or, planning ahead for Spring Break 2025, I'd even settle for...

    "Alpha Flight vs. the Omega Men in THE BATTLE OF FORT LAUDERDALE!"

  10. It's a rainy Saturday morning where I live. So, I was going to request an eventual clash between Storm and the Weather Wizard. But, a little background research has shown me you already did them. Way back in STF #2007!

    So much for inspiration. :-(

  11. @Anon701: I think you meant STF #1007.

  12. Maybe Geo-Force & the Hulk will team up against Dr. Doom & Sonar in a future cover.

  13. Man-Thing vs Phobia.
