Monday, July 15, 2024

Cloak and Dagger and The Creeper


They may all be street-level heroes, but that's about where the similarity ends.  It might be fun to see everyone thrown into an adventure together.  The Creeper has run afoul of The Kingpin a couple of times on this blog, I can see this tale spinning out of that rivalry.


  1. Another nice team-up here. Not sure Dagger can keep Cloak and Creeper calm. Nice job. By the way, how about a Terrax vs Despero battle?? Keep up the great work.

  2. I liked an idea i had yesterday, so i thought I'd share it again. I don't want to seem pushy about it though, so I put this little explanation at the top.

    I just thought of the most out there pairing: Etta Candy and Volstagg! Why is it that Wonder Woman and Thor (two comic characters based on myths) had overweight supporting characters? I don't know,but I like their representation of overweight body types! And now i can't stop picturing a fun team up between them. Or maybe the Warriors Three and the Holliday Girls...

  3. I can definitely see this as sequel to STF #4448. With Cloak and Dagger indirectly owing their powers to the Kingpin (as involuntary guinea pigs for his street drug designers), they'd want to know what defenses they might have to contend with during their final assault on him. So, the Creeper's recent battle with him might have been a (rather masochistic) recon-in-force!

  4. "I was stranded in the combat zone, I walked through Bedford-Stuy alone ...."

  5. "Then Mars Attack-ack-ack-ack-acked!"

  6. Alternate title: "What's Black and White and Red All Over?"

  7. would Jack want to know about everyone as a reporter? He's been around a long time, but used very little. and used well in smaller amounts.
    Ross, aside from 1 meeting with the Avengers, Creeper hasn't teamed with Cap!! If Cap can deal well with Spider-Man, ..
    how about Creeper, the Question and Captain America...Looking for A truth??

    just a speciall request.

  8. We need Grimace from McDonald's and the Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles. The title can be Fun Adventure.

    1. Yes and then team up The Punisher and Robotman and title it "Terrible Tundra".

  9. Bulletman and Iron Man feels like a fun team up that i don't think you've done yet. Also, Ibis the Invincible and Doctor Strange would be cool. Or even Spy Smasher and Black Widow!

    Really, i just want to try and think of as many team ups as I can involving old Fawcett/Quality/Charlton characters. Because they deserve more attention, attention that DC never gave them!

  10. What Shamus said. :-)

  11. Here's a thought: The Creeper and The Shadow. Both announce themselves with creepy laughter, and are street-level heroes who beat the snot out of bad guys, but they otherwise stand in stark contrast.

  12. I want to see Nick Fury team up with Red Tornado and the title would be "Let's Stop the Villains!"

  13. What about "A Robotman's Pal Is Frank Castle"?

  14. @Anon1106: The Groan Arranger strikes again.

  15. How about The Creeper (DC) meeting up with The Creeper from Scooby-Doo?

  16. Shamus, I love your Squadron of Justice team up ideas & 2nd every one of them.

    Mr. Scarlet & Pinky The Whiz Kid would also add some different colors to a future Cloak & Dagger cover.

    Bulletgirl & Rom or The Punisher.

    Minute Man & Golden Girl.

    Cap. Marvel Jr. & the Human Top or Toro.

    Kid Eternity calls a dead Bucky back for a mission.
