Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Catwoman and The Prowler


Rumor has it that not only is Michael Keaton expected to reprise his role as Batman in the upcoming Flash movie and beyond, but that Warner Bros is trying to get Michelle Pfeiffer to return as Selina Kyle as well.  Batman Returns may have had some major script issues, but there is no denying the chemistry the two actors had  together (indeed, they had been in a real life relationship at some point before filming).  I hope this casting pans out, I would love to see them side by side on the big screen again.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Spider-Girl and Robin

Here are two characters that were originally intended to appear once, but were so popular that their stories continued.  First appearing in an issue of What If? and an Elseworld story, they were considered out of continuity.  Spider-Girl went on to her own series and Carrie was featured in two sequels to The dark Knight.  Now, both Marvel and DC are really embracing their multiverse characters, so I am sure that we haven't seen the last of them yet!


Monday, September 28, 2020

The Super Secret Service


I've been meaning to use Agent Liberty on a cover for a while.  I enjoyed the character when he appeared in the Superman titles and was disappointed that he never really caught on and became a more popular hero.  They presented a version of him on Supergirl, but it was a more villainous take that I didn't care for.  I have also been meaning to do a team of patriotic themes heroes, so this cover checked off a couple of boxes for me.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

OMAC and The X-Men


One of the great things about Batman: The Brave and the Bold was that it included so many characters from every corner of the DC Universe, many that had never been seen in other media before.  OMAC was one such case, and his appearance was cool and fun.  I'd love to see an animated DC Kirbyverse series, with rotating features like OMAC, Kamandi, Mister Miracle and more.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Shanna and Rima


This is a pairing that I am surprised I am only getting to now.  I mean, I was a big Tarzan fan as a kid, so a female version of the character naturally held appeal for me as well.  Even better if they had ties to the superhero worlds that I was fascinated with. Rima was on Super Friends and Sheena operated out of The Savage Land, a well traveled Marvel locale.  And what's better than a gorgeously illustrated scantily clad queen of the jungle - well, two of them, of course!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Warlock and Adam Strange in: "Splitting Adams!"


With Black Widow's release date being pushed back to a year after its original spot, all of Marvel's movie slate has been delayed as well.  Now comes word that James Gunn will be writing and possibly directing some episodes for a new HBO Max series spinning of of The Suicide Squad and starring John Cena's Peacemaker - so it sounds like he will be busy with DC characters for a while longer.  When will Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 3 get underway?  Audiences have waited a long time for that Adam Warlock post credits scene from Vol. 2 to pay off, and it looks like we are going to have to keep waiting for a few more years.

Adam Strange and Warlock first met way back in STF #79...

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Brother Voodoo and The Creeper


Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is set to begin filming soon, and we have not heard anything about casting for Brother Voodoo or Clea.  I had heard that both would be introduced in the film, but then came the addition of The Scarlet Witch and the whole multiverse angle - not to mention the continuation of Baron Mordo's plot line.  Hopefully there will be room to include everything without the movie getting too cluttered.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Avengers and Death


Has anyone had a chance to listen to the recently produced Sandman Audio Drama?  I've heard some other DC Comics audio dramas before like Kingdom Come and Death and Return of Superman, and I was impressed with how well they were done.  This one seems to have an impressive cast, including Kat Dennings as Death, James MacAvoy as Dream, Taron Edgerton as Constantine, Andy Serkis as Mattherw and Neil Gaiman himself as the narrator.  I'm going to have to get a copy to listen to at night.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Old Man Logan and Baby Yoda


I was amazed to find out that The Mandalorian on Disney+ is shot entirely on a sound stage.  The huge, domed virtual set that uses video game engine technology was developed using Producer/Director Jon Favreau's experience on movies like The Jungle Book and The Lion King, and it is incredibly effective.  So much so that I fully expect other filmmakers to follow suit with similar set ups of their own in future productions, and I am eager to see where the technology goes next.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Super Friends and Guardians of the Galaxy


As a kid I thought that The Wonder Twins were an improvement over Wendy and Marvin, who seemed pretty useless on The Super Friends.  At least they had powers and could join in on the action.  Still, if they had to have more teens on the team, I would have preferred they used established DC characters like Wondergirl, Aqualad or Kid Flash.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Rocketeer and Captain America


The Rocketeer remains for me to be one of the most re-watchable superhero movies ever made.  One big reason is the absolutely beautiful score by composer James Horner.  Horner created many great soundtracks (Titanic, Braveheart, Avatar, Aliens, Legends of the Fall and on and on), but The Rocketeer's is my favorite.  You can tell how well regarded it is by the fact that it is often used as a temp track for trailers of movies that do not have their own scores completed yet.

The Rocketeer met Cap along with the res of The Invaders back in STF #2206...

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Punisher and Manhunter in: "The Last Gang War!"


The Manhunter back-ups in Detective Comics by Archie Goodwin and Walt Simonson were unlike anything I had seen in comics at the time.  Here was an update to a Golden Age character that truly went in its own direction.  They were definitely my first exposure to the amazing artistic talents of Simonson, he gave the tales a unique look through his signature style and use of innovative page layouts.  DC has honored those stories by allowing Paul Kirk to remain dead (a rarity for comics)!  The Manhunter concept has been brought back time and again, with new characters assuming the mantle, but nothing has stuck a chord with readers quite as much as those original back-up stories.

These two previously met in STF #1402...

Friday, September 18, 2020

Man-Bat Vs. The Lizard (Round Two!)


When Bob Greenwade, a patron of this blog, suggested this battle, I figured it was a strong enough match up to demand  a second appearance - so here it is! Thanks, Bob!  They first tangled in STF #2606.  I have to say that I'd be rooting for Man-Bat in this fight.  While both character started out as respected scientists that were altered by self administered experimentation, Kirk Langstrom  always seemed like the more redeemable of the two to me.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Machine Man and Cyborg in: "The Extinction Algorithm!"


I'm not sure what The Vision's status will be following Wanda/Vision on Disney+, but whatever becomes of him, the MCU definitely has room for another robotic character.  I say it's time to bring in Machine Man!  He has the same appeal as Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation - an artificial man that longs to understand what it is like to be a real one.

Machine Man and Cyborg previously met in STF #2725...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wonder Woman and Captain Britain

Wonder Woman 1984 has been pushed back yet again, now slated to open on Christmas Day.  A holiday theatrical release worked well for Aquaman, so maybe that's not a bad strategy.  There is another big movie opening up in that time frame, the new version of Dune, but I think that WW is the bigger draw for audiences.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Gumby and The Martian Manhunter


I watched the new animated Superman: The Man of Tomorrow, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that The Martian Manhunter plays such a large role in it. In addition to telling the Story of Superman's heroic debut, it established that J'onn J'onzz had already been operating on Earth in secret.  Lobo is also thrown into the mix - a character that never did much for me in the comics, but works well in this story.

Thanks to Mike Shirley, a Patron of this Blog, for suggesting this green hued pairing!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Ragman and The Falcon


As much fun as it might have been to pretend to be a hero like Batman or Iron Man, with unlimited resources to aid in your battle against crime, I have to say as a kid I identified a lot more with characters like Ragman.  Here was a guy who had almost nothing and operated out of a junk yard, but that didn't stop him from trying to do the right thing.  As someone with limited means, it was nice to know that not all heroes were millionaire playboys.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Atom Vs. The Vision


Uh oh - it looks like once The Vision rid himself of the Manhunter Virus, he made himself vulnerable to an internal attack from Professot Ivo! I think he needs to invest in some better malware protection!  It's a good thing that Ray Palmer is willing to evaluate and repair Marvel's robotic characters.... even if he has to do it the hard way!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Johnny Thunder and Thor


There were definitely some teases for Johnny Thunder's Thunderbolt to make an appearance on the next season of Stargirl.  There's the magic pink pen that was included among the JSA artifacts that Courtney discovered, and younger brother Mike has name dropped his friend Jakeem.  Hopefully we will see him show up, and the TV effects budget will be enough to effectively bring Badhnesia's most famous genie to life.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Hawkman and Iron Man in: "Mission to Venus!"


You have to love that the spacecraft used to travel to Venus is basically a big lightbulb!  Hopefully these two will be able to withstand an attack by a land octopus and Venusian bird of prey!  Ah, the Golden Age!

This is the third team-up on this blog between these two - they previously met in STF #2828,  and then again in STF #2301...

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Defenders and Superman in: "Crime in a Bottle!"


I was hoping that the DC Fandome event would shed some more light on the future of Superman in the movies.  There was some speculation that an announcement of The Man of Steel's involvement in Black Adam or even a solo sequel would be made, but alas no mention of such things.  DC Fandome continues this coming weekend, though It looks to be focusing more on the TV, print and gaming aspects of DC Comics.  Henry Cavill keeps teasing that he id not done with the role, but I'd like to know some more specifics as to what that will mean.

Superman met an earlier version of The Defenders in STF #2849...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Hellboy Vs. Darkseid


I have to admit, I wasn't always a big Darkseid fan.  I was not hugely into Jack Kirby's Fourth World tales as a kid, and the biggest impact that the ruler of Apokolips had for me was his appearances taking on The Legion of Super Heroes in the Great Darkness Saga.  What really got me interested was Superman: The Animated Series.  Through the extended story arc there and then continuing in Justice League and Justice League Unlimited,  I finally understood what the big deal was.  It will be interesting to see how he is handled on The Snyder Cut of the Justice League movie.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

G.I. Robot and War Machine


Robert Downey Jr. recently reiterated that his time as Tony Stark is indeed done, and he is not even planning to return for voice overs.  Does Don Cheadle still have movies on his contract?  This could be a good opportunity for War Machine  and James Rhodes to be more fleshed out in the movies as he will be the premiere Armored hero in the MCU going forward.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Sub-Mariner and Batman & Robin


It's been a constant rumor that Namor would be introduced as an antagonist in the Black Panther sequel, focusing on relations between the advanced societies of Wakanda and Atlantis.  With the tragic passing of Chadwick Boseman, nothing is certain as to how the story will move forward now.  When you factor in the delays already caused by productions shutting down, it looks like it will probably be quite a bit longer before we see the Avenging Son make his live action debut.

Batman and The Sub-Mariner met a couple of times back in my Brave and the Bold: The Lost Issues days - once in 2010, and then again in 2011...

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Howard the Duck and Guardians of the Universe

Howard the Duck is fleetingly seen among the cavalry of heroes in the big final fight of Avengers: Endgame.  There's nothing that says he went back into outer space with The Ravagers once the battle was over, so there's no reason he can't still be on Earth and available to pop up in another movie or show down the line.  He's had some fun interaction with She-Hulk in the comics, it might be a kick to see him appear on her Disney+ show once it gets up and running.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

Daredevil and The Spectre


There has been plenty of speculation as to how Marvel will bring Daredevil into the MCU.  Charlie Cox was very popular on the Netflix series, so many fans would be happy to see him continue in the role.  Will Marvel keep him on board, along with his supporting characters and established continuity, or perhaps keep him as an actor but as another version of DD that isn't connected to the first series?  Maybe they don't want to confuse things and will bring in a new actor to play the man without fear.  What do you think they will do?

Friday, September 4, 2020

Wonder Girl and Ghost Rider


There are few heroes with as convoluted a back story as Donna Troy.  I've lost track as to what exactly her official origin is these days. I see that she has shown up on the Titans show, which angle did the writers use there?  I know she looks pretty comics accurate, I'll have to check out that show one of these days.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

New Mutants Vs. Doom Patrol


Well, after numerous delays,  New Mutants has finally been released to theaters.  It has only been getting middling reviews, but I like the characters so I am sure that I will check it out as a home rental at some point.  It looks to be a pretty low budget affair, with minimal use of powers and filmed on a single location.  Then again, Lockheed looked really cool on the commercial, and I am interested in how the Demon Bear is handled.  Has anyone gotten a chance to check it out?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Greatest American Hero Vs. Godzilla


The Greatest American hero was a favorite show of mine but I will confess to some frustration with it.  Like Lost, it was a show that set up some big mysteries that were never properly addressed by the series' end.  Unless I missed an episode, we never did find out the actual full extent of the suit's power, where the spaceship that provided it came from, and who were the aliens behind it all.  I hoped we would have a TV movie later on that would answer these questions, but, alas, such a thing never came to pass.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Thing Vs. Sinestro


Sinestro is of course referring to the Power Ring that Ben Grimm wielded on a cover from my MTIO: The Lost Issues days back in 2011...  One of the fun things about having done this blog for so long now is that I can go back through the archives and pick up on some old plot threads.  While I still like to feature new team up combinations it's also fun to mine STF continuity with returning teams, family relations and romances, plus to feature multi-part stories.  I'll try to keep up a mix to hopefully help maintain interest.