Friday, September 11, 2020

Hawkman and Iron Man in: "Mission to Venus!"


You have to love that the spacecraft used to travel to Venus is basically a big lightbulb!  Hopefully these two will be able to withstand an attack by a land octopus and Venusian bird of prey!  Ah, the Golden Age!

This is the third team-up on this blog between these two - they previously met in STF #2828,  and then again in STF #2301...


  1. BTW, one interesting Captain Planet cover (or at least fanfic) could have the eco-villains offer to terraform Venus for human habitation; the problem being indigenous beings or a Venusian version of Gaia being somehow endangered. (Venus being at least a pristine, if hostile, planet).

  2. This looks like a job for The Iron Hawk! Strange visitor going to Venus in search of Nth Metal for his suits and weapons. Who, aided by his mentor Dr Magnus-Stark, continues to advance the technology for exo-suits and medical equipment for all sentient life forms everywhere.

  3. Isn't that also what an LSH time bubble essentially is? A glorified light bulb?

    I prefer to think Hawkman confiscated it from Per Degaton, who initially stole it from 30th century Metropolis.* But, without telling his captors that precious little fact! And, with Hawkman acting as chauffeur pro tem, Early Silver Age Iron Man has borrowed it to look for a missing Stark Industries space probe on Venus.

    *Gotta maintain that even one thousand year difference. ;-)

  4. Great cover, and love the lightbulb! What issue is that originally from? This looks like a really fun story to read.

  5. It's from o cover to an early issue of Flash Comics.

  6. illuminated HorsefeathersSeptember 11, 2020 at 8:56 AM

    Seems like solar power has been around a lot longer than people know. A fun jaunt for a business trip.

  7. Ah, Venus! It just ain't what it used to be. Can even Iron Man stand temperatures hot enough to melt lead...and the immense pressure? Hawkman better stay safely inside the Bulbmobile...
    As it happens, someone has produced a map of what the real Venus would look like if it had oceans.
    Perhaps that's what these two thought they would find...(not this Mastermind illusion)
    "We came to Venus for the waters."
    "Waters? What waters? We're in the desert."
    "We were misinformed."

  8. The original clunky Iron Man armor makes a great fit with the late Golden Age Hawkman art... but fair's fair... how about pairing Neptune Perkins with the Guardsman or Jack of Hearts?

  9. This is so perfect in so many ways and my 12 yr old self REALLY wants to read this! Mom, can I have a dime?

  10. ditto....
    i so want to read this story or the other clunky yellow iron man/Hawkman cover/story....
    GREAT work, Ross....

  11. Where's Carson Napier when you need him?

  12. Probably on a drinking binge with John Carter of Mars and Montgomery Scott of Enterprise NCC-1701.

  13. That IS a bird of prey, not a pterosaur.

  14. I mean, is that a bird of prey, not a pterosaur?

  15. @Anonymous1 and Anonymous2: Beats the rhamphorhyncus out of me.

  16. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Phosphine gas of possible biological origin discovered in Venusian atmosphere!

  17. P.S.---is that a member of the Mutant Master's race? You know; the late, unlamented founder of Factor Three?
