Thursday, September 17, 2020

Machine Man and Cyborg in: "The Extinction Algorithm!"


I'm not sure what The Vision's status will be following Wanda/Vision on Disney+, but whatever becomes of him, the MCU definitely has room for another robotic character.  I say it's time to bring in Machine Man!  He has the same appeal as Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation - an artificial man that longs to understand what it is like to be a real one.

Machine Man and Cyborg previously met in STF #2725...


  1. Interesting combo. Aren't these guys already working together in Robo Force?
    As for reality rebooting itself, given the state of the world right now, I'd say it might not be bad idea if these guys don't quite succeed this time...

  2. Great cover. How is this storyline not connected in some way to the Atom/Vision cover of a few days ago?

  3. I wonder if Ultron might have found the Anti-Life Equation?

  4. A different Anti-Monitor has surfaced for a new crisis.
    But it's an ironic cover given the "Please prove you're not a robot" tag.

  5. Davejonz - Since Cyborg is half-human, he might not qualify for Robo-Force membership.
    Though this does remind me of a team-up I wanted to suggest...

    Rom Spaceknght vs Robocop!

    in an issue of Incredible Hulk from the 1980s, there's a scene where Rick Jones is leaving the movie Robocop and lamenting that 'Rom would have loved "Robocop"' So I think it'd be fun to see those two meet up sometime.

  6. A fun team up! I just hope this Machine Man's personality is more like the one from original storylines and not current ones.

  7. I'm sure Machine Man will be coming to the MCU, but probably later rather than sooner. The Multiverse is the focus right now, with Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, The TVA being the impetus in the Loki series (which may have multiple seasons), and the recent announcement that the villain in Ant-Man 3 will be Kang the Conqueror.

    I wouldn't be particulary surprised (or at all unhappy) if a Phase 5 or Phase 6 movie featured the Exiles -- and I'd be super-excited if the cast included Jamie Chung and Anya Taylor-Joy.

  8. Didn't Kevin Sorbo play Kang the Conqueror, already?

    Signed--No more a robot than Vic Stone.

  9. Uhm! I believe you're thinking of REH's Kull the Conqueror.
