Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wonder Woman and Captain Britain

Wonder Woman 1984 has been pushed back yet again, now slated to open on Christmas Day.  A holiday theatrical release worked well for Aquaman, so maybe that's not a bad strategy.  There is another big movie opening up in that time frame, the new version of Dune, but I think that WW is the bigger draw for audiences.



  1. Hyram H HorsefeathersSeptember 16, 2020 at 6:07 AM

    Thuffering thuckerdash! I'd go with the Dominators cause they haven't been seen in a while. Nice one Rossy. Bet this cover took a little longer than usual.

  2. Yes. Very nice cover! But I wonder how Captain America will take to Wonder Woman teaming up with Captain Britain? Is there a love triangle in the future? Will WW have to cap off any future relationships with America and Britain?

  3. I share @jlb's concern. What's Cap going to think of this? Remember what happened when he caught Diana and Superman snogging.
    Still, as a Brit myself, if it is time for Diana to move on, she couldn't have chosen a better new squeeze than a super-powered Brit. (Of course, we're ALL super-powered.)
    Here's to the special relationship.

  4. I think the answer to your question, Ross, would be that self-proclaimed Monster Maker...Dr. Von Schtump!*

    *A one-time Spidey foe from an MTU two-parter back in the mid-1970's And, yes, I know I misspelled his alias! I was just trying to keep my response somewhat clean. ;-)

  5. @Hyram: "Thuckerdash"?

    @Davejonz: As are all Canadians. :/

  6. Actually, I think they'll find the villain in the same corner of the multiverse as Skeeve and Aahz.

    I wouldn't worry too much about Steve's take on this. I expect that Brian and Diana's relationship here is purely professional.

    As for WW84, this is the first I've heard of that schedule change, but I do hope it works out. It'll be a hit whatever happens, I'm sure; the hard part is selling the tickets to reflect that.

  7. @D. succotash by old Daffy. :0

    This is A Gray-t cover - no question about it.

  8. @Hyram: Yeah, I figured it was from Looney Tunes, but I think Sylvester the Cat was better known for saying that. Mainly, though, I was just wondering what a "suckerdash" was.

  9. Daffy Duck was simply Sylvester the Cat @ 45 rpm's rather than 33.

  10. @JL Briggs: this could tie into Ragman and Falcon's search for Capt. America @ STF #3076.

  11. Just wondering What if Wonder Woman was the ONLY superhero on Earth? What might it be like then?

  12. @Anon@6:17: "Suffering Succotash" is Sylvester's catch-phrase; Daffy is better know for "you're despicable!"

    @Tobor: I think she'd look an awful lot like Lynda Carter.

  13. @Bob: True. But, both lithps were done by Mel Blanc! Thimply at different thpeedths.

  14. @Anon957: while that's technically correct, I think your phrasing is politically incorrect.
