Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Gumby and The Martian Manhunter


I watched the new animated Superman: The Man of Tomorrow, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that The Martian Manhunter plays such a large role in it. In addition to telling the Story of Superman's heroic debut, it established that J'onn J'onzz had already been operating on Earth in secret.  Lobo is also thrown into the mix - a character that never did much for me in the comics, but works well in this story.

Thanks to Mike Shirley, a Patron of this Blog, for suggesting this green hued pairing!


  1. Interesting combo. Good thing this version of Gumby is used and not the Eddie Murphy version from his SNL days.

  2. Considering Gumby had the power to phase through book covers, and physically interact with the story line characters, I would have to speculate that he was a mutant by Martian standards.

    Pokey had the same power, too, of course. But, given his crimson coloration, I'd speculate that he was Saturnian of red Martian descent...stuck in pony form.

  3. Love it! Thanks Ross! And despite what that other guy said, I'd be down for a followup -- The Incredible Hulk Meets Gumby, starring Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno and Eddie Murphy!

  4. "My name is Tim O'Hara, demmit!"

  5. Hey, maybe now Gumby can join The Emerald Elite!

    Hunting for that team using the "Teams" tag, I found a few that had somehow gotten past me the first time around, or at least that I don't remember seeing. One standout it Chewbacca and the Fur Force, whom I'd love to see again at some point, possibly dealing with the likes of King Kong.

    On the topic of Bill Bixby, ever see his 1973-74 show The Magician? His character, Tony Blake, used souped-up magic tricks to solve mysteries and fight crime. I think it'd be fun to team up Mr. Blake with the Hulk (and maybe throw in the original My Favorite Martian just for fun!).

    (A more bizarre team-up would put Gumby with Roger Rabbit!)

  6. Oh, oh my! I was really caught of guard by this one. Does this mean that Gumby was an insane Martian? And what of Marvin the Martian, Martin O'Hara and those guys from Mars Attack?

  7. @Bob Greenwade: Ray Walston once guest-starred on an episode of the Incredible Hulk. The episode title? "My Favorite Magician"

  8. @Other Bob: I did not realize that! I may go hunt that episode down some time. Thanks for the tip!

  9. @BigMike20X6: How about a group of green characters? Those three, and ones like Gazoo, Orions (Star Trek franchise), Skrulls, etc.; also, another cover could feature Orion women and the Equestria Girls.

  10. -- Bob Greenwade said...
    (A more bizarre team-up would put Gumby with Roger Rabbit!) --

    Heh. When I sent Ross the suggestion for this one I also proposed a similar one, though it was Gumby joining the Looney Tunes!

  11. @Anonymous1053: Have you not heard of the Emerald Elite? The lineup doesn't much resemble what you're proposing, but the theme's the same!

  12. Remember Friday's 9/11/20 cover on Venus? Guess what..
    Breaking News: Astronomers have found a potential sign of life in the clouds of Venus, a planet long overlooked in the search for extraterrestrial life.


    Yea Ross!

  13. Hmm. Maybe DC got it wrong. Maybe Jonn has been mislabeled all these years. He should have been the Venusian Manhunter...

  14. @Anon@10:58 & Daviticus: See the link in my first comment above.

  15. @Greenwade: Oh, I have, don't worry! #GreenLivesMatter ;)

  16. @det_Tobor: see the extra news bulletin under the Venus cover.

  17. P.S.---I henceforth declare the anniversary of Gumby's magnificent discovery... Green Day!

  18. You might wind up hearing from the law firm of Armstrong & Dimt on that score.

  19. stretching HorsefeathersSeptember 16, 2020 at 9:00 PM

    Green Day?? Ain't that a stretch??

  20. Twenty-to-life is a longer one. Isn't that right, OJ?

  21. @Anon@10:15: That's quite a punnishment.

  22. I'm sure Frank Castle would agree in a "New Yawk" minute.

  23. Let's make like Captain Helsinki and bring this to a big Finnish.


  24. @Cary: That sounds more like a Nicholas Briggs move to me. #ObscureMuch

  25. The guy whose car has the vanity plate "X-TERMIN-8?"

  26. Fishing in the TimestreamSeptember 19, 2020 at 8:14 PM

    Any chance for the Supernatural Winchesters meeting Mork from Ork?

  27. I'd rather see Mork meet Billy Batson. That way, Ross could call it...

