Friday, September 18, 2020

Man-Bat Vs. The Lizard (Round Two!)


When Bob Greenwade, a patron of this blog, suggested this battle, I figured it was a strong enough match up to demand  a second appearance - so here it is! Thanks, Bob!  They first tangled in STF #2606.  I have to say that I'd be rooting for Man-Bat in this fight.  While both character started out as respected scientists that were altered by self administered experimentation, Kirk Langstrom  always seemed like the more redeemable of the two to me.


  1. First, again? Yay me!

    Honestly, I could see this kind of confrontation as not only the lead-in for a Spidey/Superman crossover on the silver screen. But, also, to a Phase 2 for the DCCU!*

    Think about it. Curt Connors and Kirk Langstrom working for the Metropolis branch of S.T.A.R. Labs. The latter, to get away from Gotham City. The former, to avoid subpoena servers from Florida (where the estranged Mrs. Connors has moved to while preparing to sue for divorce). But, Luthor and Otto Octavius find about their presences and exploit them as part of a master plan to bring Spidey and Superman together. Fatally!

    But, in actuality, those two are being used, themselves. By the Mad Thinker and the Puppet Master! Toward what end? Elimination of the Fantastic Four. But, use of all that Wundagorian clay is actually starting to form an interdimensional rift between Earth and certain outer planes. Leading to the arrival on Earth of...Shuma-Gorath. In the form of Starro the Conqueror!

    *Not to mention, the long-overdue Phase 4 or 5 of the MCU.

  2. I mean, can you think of a better motive for forming the JLD (featuring Zatanna)?

  3. And, let's face it; with the economic crunch caused by the Corona Pandemic, a cinematic collaboration between Marvel-Disney and DCWB might be one of the few profit-making ways virtually guaranteed to get some movie-going keesters back into theaters.

  4. Yay! One of my suggestions gets a rematch!

    Really, the main difference I see between these two is that Dr. Langstrom found a way to retain his own consciousness when in beast form; Dr. Conners' personality changes completely. Part of the conflict between the two may be that the former scientist is trying to give the latter the same ability -- something that Dr. Conners is happy to accept in human form, but as the Lizard, not so much. Perhaps if there's a Round Three in the future, things could reflect that.

    (Seriously, of everything I've suggested that's made it to a cover, this is the one pairing that I think has the most potential for an ongoing thing.)

    @Cary: The only likely way that the MCU and DCEU are going to cross over will be in an adaptation of JLA/Avengers (probably with elements of DC vs. Marvel for good measure), and neither universe is really ready for that. Hopefully it'll be possible before too many of the cinematic Justice League age out of their roles; otherwise it'll have to wait for the next go-round -- which could take decades, if it ever happens. (Already we've lost out on a couple of great Captain America moments.)

  5. Then, more's the pity. :-(

    Starting out small and building from there (like the first three phases of the MCU) sounds more practical to me.

  6. In the old days, getting DC and Marvel to agree to share something was bad enough. Can you see the fights over whether a crossover movie would go to HBO Max or Disney+ ? Neither super-corportation plays well with others.

  7. Oh, I think the streaming would be easy enough to work out: it'd go to both. Things like top billing, theatrical distribution rights, and so forth would be the stinky areas. (For all but the first, they could just create a co-owned "Amalgam Media" specifically for the purpose, but even that is an iffy proposition.)

  8. Even sadder and truer.

  9. Even so, Disney/Marvel has shown that they can play well with others, via their deal with Sony (and the problems with Universal is the latter studio's fault) as well as with Netflix (which worked well and ended amicably). As for TW/WB, I don't know.

  10. With the way Disney is churning out remakes of their really not-so-old classics, they could probably team up with WB to do a remake of WFRR!

  11. That's "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" for those not into initialisms.

  12. Horsefeathers sailing alongSeptember 19, 2020 at 1:49 PM

    A new category for the bat family: The Lizard-Man-Bat.
    Once the Doc tries to use Kirk's blood, he is gonna turn into a long reptile with wings. At least he'll be able to do all sorts of specials for Disney. 8)

    wonder if that's how the Draco volans got started?

  13. @Horsefeathers: So, basically, Dr. Connors turns into a miniature Fin Fang Foom?

    PS @Ross: We really need for FFF to be faced down by the Inferior Five.

  14. Fishing in the TimestreamSeptember 19, 2020 at 7:54 PM

    Fin Fang Foom vs(?) Man-Bat, Lizard and who else?

  15. @Horsefeathers: so, basically, you envision Doc Connors will "Sauron" leathern wings.

  16. As in, "soar on" rather than "sow-ron." Right?
