Monday, September 28, 2020

The Super Secret Service


I've been meaning to use Agent Liberty on a cover for a while.  I enjoyed the character when he appeared in the Superman titles and was disappointed that he never really caught on and became a more popular hero.  They presented a version of him on Supergirl, but it was a more villainous take that I didn't care for.  I have also been meaning to do a team of patriotic themes heroes, so this cover checked off a couple of boxes for me.


  1. Good cover, as always! Seems ironic to me that only one Marvel character made the cut; they were known for having more 'patriotic' stories back in the day, with so many Silver Age villains being Russian or Chinese otherwise Un-American. But outside of the obvious choice, they don't really have many super patriots anymore, without dipping into the World War Two character list.

  2. A new team! Always guaranteed to brighten up my day. Interesting theme, too. Captain America is the obvious choice - but might have overwhelmed the others. The 2 guys in the darker costumes don't look as patriotic to me as the ones in the traditional red, white and blue. Still I'm British.
    Good to see the Shield. But Kirby did a great (but brief) version that would have fitted right in here.

  3. I wonder about Fighting American; though the most recent reboot(?) had a villain pull a "Samurai Jack" on him.

  4. lite purple HorsefeathersSeptember 28, 2020 at 8:04 AM

    Inclusion could do with Ms Victory and Yankee Girl if the 1940s Wonder Woman couldn't make the cut. Is Sam flying or is he growing?

  5. Someone should create a new character, Belle of the Ball.

  6. Funny. I never even heard of Agent Liberty _until_ he appeared on SUPERGIRL! That's why I thought he'd been created expressly for the series (a la Harley Quinn for BATMAN'92).

    I guess we really do learn something new everyday.

  7. This team seems a little DC-heavy. Shouldn't the Image Comics reboot of Fighting American have been substituted for Agent Liberty?

  8. In my brain, I'm combing three characters into U.S. Agent Liberty Belle.

    It would have been nice to add Miss America and The Patriot from Timely.

  9. Though not as traditional, American Maid from The Tick series would fit right in with this crew.

  10. @Tim: Folks have been wanting to see American Maid on this blog for some time, preferably as the daughter of Captain America and Wonder Woman. No luck so far, but I for one have not lost hope.
