Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Catwoman and The Prowler


Rumor has it that not only is Michael Keaton expected to reprise his role as Batman in the upcoming Flash movie and beyond, but that Warner Bros is trying to get Michelle Pfeiffer to return as Selina Kyle as well.  Batman Returns may have had some major script issues, but there is no denying the chemistry the two actors had  together (indeed, they had been in a real life relationship at some point before filming).  I hope this casting pans out, I would love to see them side by side on the big screen again.


  1. Catwoman. Yes! Don't know who the Prowler is though. I think the first thing she'll do is get him a costume upgrade.

  2. This would make a fitting part 2 to yesterday's "issue." :-)

  3. P.S. @ Davejonz: his name is Hobart "Hobie" Brown. And, like Sam "The Falcon" Wilson and the Black Panther, one of the first Marvel superheroes created to appeal to African-American readers. He debuted in volume 1 of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, during the early 1970's, as a mechanical engineering prodigy forced to work (presumably, his way through school) as a mere window washer.

    But, due to the inevitable mistaken identity slug-fest trope, he was initially an anti-hero as a costumed crime-fighter.

  4. "It Takes a Thief" might have been a better title.

  5. I hadn't heard that Michelle Pfeiffer rumor. I hope she gets at least an extended cameo in one of the upcoming films; with a little luck, we may actually get another live-action Helena Wayne, this time on the big screen.

    The "both sides of the law" remark makes me think of Marvel's Sandman, Flint Marko. I still would like to see him teamed with Wesley Dodds, in a non-adversarial situation; so far we've only seen them at odds.

  6. Hyram H. HorsefeathersSeptember 30, 2020 at 3:56 PM

    Perp-le becomes them

  7. I thought that was DC's Jack-o-Lantern at first ... very similar costumes.

  8. @Chuck: The Prowler's is ten years-older. At least! So, technically, Jackie O is plagiarizing him. ;-)

  9. Great cover. I personally have always liked the Prowler's costume. It fits his name perfectly. I'd still love to see a Prowler / Creeper team-up on this blog at some point.
